Chapter 5

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Nat must have told them what i said... "Jarvis let them know i will be in the med bay to assist and that there is food in the kitchen for the others if they are hungry..." I say and take a deep breath... "Yes Ms. Celestino..." He answers and i rush to the med bay... 

I can see the jet in the distance making its way and i ask Jarvis to open the door so they can get in straight away because i dont know the extent of the injuries.... The jet gets closer fast and a few minutes later it is landing... The jet opens and Steve is holding Tony up... He is looking like shit his armor is badly damaged... Steve is not looking much better... He doesn't seem to be injured but defeated and sad... I have to block him because his emotions are loud and distracting... He is in emotional pain... 

Bruce walks in looking rough to... Steve steps aside and his eyes meet mine... They are sad and nothing like the cocky man i met a week ago... Bruce and i start working on Tony who is whining that he is in pain but refusing painkillers saying he can take it... "Natasha said you have medical training?" He asked and i nodded... "I went to medical school... But i used to work in a lab... Doing research..." I say softly and Steve looks at me surprised. 

"Why dont you go and eat... There is food in the kitchen you only have to heat it" I say looking at Steve... He protests but i tell him there is nothing he can do here. Truth is his emotions are getting on my nerves because it is screaming at me and distracting me, and it confuses me... He sighs and walks out telling us to keep him informed.

I cut off Tony's pants revealing a big gash... "At least by me a drink first..." Tony says trying to joke but he winces as i examine the wound... "Let me give you something to stop the pain..." I say but again her refuses... While Bruce examines Tony's head i start to clean the wound and he keeps whining getting on my nerves... Why is this man so damn stubborn... 

He keeps moving making it impossible to treat him so again i ask to give him something, but he doesn't want to... "Pain gone..." I mumble softly hoping they won't hear, and Tony finally relaxes and stops moving and whining... I clean the wound and after Bruce tells me where the stuff is that i need to stich i get to work... 15 minutes and a lot of stiches later the wound is closed... and i lift my spell returning the pain to him... "See i am tough..." He says grinning and i shake my head... 

"Your head seems to be okay..." Bruce says to Tony and Tony chuckles... "What happened...?" I ask and Tony sighs... "A few months ago, we found out that Steve his best friend is still alive... Captured and used as a pawn by Hydra..." Tony says and i look up at him skeptical... "Long story short we tried to free him today... But it didn't really go as planned... as you can see... They knew we were coming, and he was no longer there... We have a prisoner though so we are going to see if he can tell us where he is..."

 "How did they know?" I ask and Tony shrugs his shoulders... "It is Hydra... assume they are everywhere..." He simple states and i sigh... "She has a point Tony... How did they know... Nobody knew where we were going..." Bruce says and Tony looks at him and nods...  "We will find out Bruce... Now i heard something about food..." Tony says and i chuckle... "Okay tough guy let's get you to the kitchen...

Bruce and i help Tony to the kitchen sitting him down and i smile as almost everyone is eating... But the mood is depressing, and they are all quiet... A blond woman comes rushing in throwing her arms around Steve...  

"Stevie are you okay... I came as soon as i heard..." She chirps and i can't help but feel annoyed of her being all over him... "I am fine..." Steve growls prying her arms off of him... I walk to the counter make Tony a plate and put it in front of him and that is when she notices me... 

"Who are you..." She asks in a bitchy tone and i sigh because you dont have to have my powers to feel her emotions and feelings towards me... 

"This is Ms. Celestino... Our new assistant..." Nat says grinning and from her reaction i understand that she and the blond dont get along... "You didn't tell me about her Stevie..." She chirps in that annoyed tone... I decide to just play nice even though she clearly is assessing me...

"Please call me Cleo..." I say walking up to her holding out my hand for her to shake... "Sharon... Steve's girlfriend..." She says stating her claim. "Nice to meet you Sharon..." I say smiling because i will be damned to show her that her presence is annoying me...  "Why didn't you tell me you guys have a new assistant..." She says still shaking my hand squeezing it hard while looking at Steve... I block out my own pain not wanting to give her the satisfaction of thinking she is hurting me... Steve eyes meet mine and he looks ashamed...

"Didn't think it was important..." Steve says shrugging his shoulder but Sam chuckles almost choking on his food, and this seems to piss Sharon off even more... She finally releases my hand and i give her my most charming smile. "Can i get you some food... There is plenty..." I say still with that smile plastered on my face... "And she cooks... Well, that is an upgrade from the last one..." She chirps. 

"Yeah, we ALL really like her..." Nat says and Sharon looks at her annoyed... I can't help but tap into Sharon's mindset and i dont like it... It is cold... calculated and vindictive... The only thing i can see her care about is herself... "We need some help... The prisoner is having trouble..." Barton says as he runs in... 

I shake my head and tell him i will come with him to help feeling a bit relieved that i am out of that negativity... I can feel Nat and Steve follow me and when we reach the cells the man i trashing around totally out of his mind... I want to go in, but Steve stops me... "You can't go in it is not safe... He will hurt you... I can't let you..." He says with worry in his eyes... I sigh rolling my eyes pushing past him and walk in... while he yells after me to not go in there, but Nat stops him... 

I know i shouldn't and i already used my powers more than i liked in the short time i was here but oh fuck it the man was beside himself... I started talking to him to make it seem that me talking to him was calming him down... He calms down a bit... But a few moments later he starts to have a seizure... I tap into his mind while leaning over him... "Tell me what they want to know..." I whisper and he mumbles something about a base in Austria before he breaths out his last breath...

The door opens and Steve and Nat run in but i shake my head... "There is nothing i could do... But he did mention a base in Austria before he died..." I said and both Nat and Steve looked at me surprised... 

"How?" Steve and Nat both said at the same time and i shrugged my shoulders. "Dying confession...?" I said and walked off leaving them to deal with the dead body because that is where i draw the line...

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