Chapter 27

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We walk into the kitchen, and everyone is still sitting at the kitchen table... They are talking amongst themselves and look up when we walk in... "Wow look who are all nice and clean..." Sam says smirking and i roll my eyes... "Steve he really needs a girlfriend..." I mumble and Steve chuckles... "Shut up Sam..." Steve says... "Aaahw are we feeling protective..." Sam jokes and Steve shakes his head... "You were right he does need a girlfriend..." He says to me and i chuckle... 

"Maybe you should ask Fury to deliver you a girlfriend Sam... Seeing as you seem to luck out on your own" Nat says smirking. I chuckle as Sam looks at her offended... 

I lead Steve to a bar stool and tell him to sit down. I dig around in the fridge finding the container i had hidden from the rest because it was Steve's favorite... I started to heat it up and Bucky walked over and looked in the pan... 

"That is not what we got doll..." He says and i smirk... "No, it is not..." I mumble and Bucky shakes his head and looks at Steve who smirks back at him... "You can always ask Nat to cook for you..." Steve said smirking and Bucky looked horrified... "Yeah i like to live..." He says softly... "I heard that..." Nat said and Bucky looked at her smiling... "Dont worry sweetheart you have other skills..." He says smirking walking over to her and kissing her cheek...

When Steve his food was done i put it on a plate and put it in front of him and he smiles and digs in... "Tastes good princess..." He said kissing my cheek and i smiled... I looked around the kitchen... Tony, Bruce and Clint had left to their own rooms leaving only Nat, Bucky and Sam... I smiled as Bucky and Sam were bickering... "I missed this..." I murmur and lean against Steve as he is eating... "The compound was too quiet without all of you..." I murmur and Steve kisses the top of my head... 

Steve finishes his plate of food, and we sit down with the rest... I smile as i want to sit down but Steve pulls me in his lap and i can't help but snuggle into him feeling so comfortable and warm again... Sam is the first to leave saying he can't take being the 5th wheel to nauseating people as Nat is tucked under Bucky's arm and i am in Steve's lap... 

I talk with Nat and Bucky about their plans for their rooms and i smile as they really want to make it a little apartment... I show them the colors i had picked for my new room and Steve sighs... I plant a kiss on his lips, and he smiles... 

Nat and Bucky leave and that leaves just Steve and i in the kitchen. I smile and kiss him, and he groans... But i can see he is tired and slip off his lap and hold out my hand for him to take..."Let's get you to bed captain..." I say and he smiles...  

I smile as Steve lets out a sigh when he gets into bed... I crawl in next to him and cuddle into him... He is already half asleep... And soon i drift off to sleep to... The bed is empty the next morning and again a note... I chuckle when the note is so apologetic saying he woke up early and wanted to work out for a bit... I get out of bed and put on some of my yoga gear and walk to the gym where Steve is punching the living shit out of a sandbag... He is sweaty and looks so hot but i let him train... 

The gym is empty Steve is the only one here... Bucky and Sam are always later than Steve and they mostly go running together... Not that Sam likes it because Steve and Bucky run circles around him... But he goes anyway because it is buddy time... I start to stretch and smirk when i can feel eyes on me... I bend over and smirk when i feel him stand behind me watching me... 

I stand back up and ignore him just to see what he will do... "Do you need some help princess..." He growls and i chuckle as he is now standing behind me... "No i am good..." I say and i smirk as i go into tree pose to warm up... "Are you sure princess..." He whispers in my ear as his hands are now on my waist and his chest pressed against my back. 

"I am sure..." I say biting my lip so i dont start laughing.... I stand back on both feet and move to downward dog pose just to tease him my ass in full view of him and i giggle as i can feel him squeeze it gently... "I think you are teasing me princess..." Steve says and i bite my lip again to not laugh... "I am just working out captain..." I say as innocently as possible... 

"Why dont you join me..." I whisper standing back up and turning around... "I had some other form of exercise in mind princess..." He growls and i chuckle... "Oh i know..." I say and kiss him... He pulls me against him and i grin... "You are very distracting in this princess..." He murmurs as he lets his finger glide in my yoga pants running it along the hem... "I am sorry captain... Next time i will wear sweats and a baggy t-shirt..." I say and he growls shaking his head... He kisses me again and his hand roam my body and i let out a little sigh as he starts kissing my neck... I put my hands under his shirt and i run them up and down his back. 

With one hand he cups one of my boobs and just when i am about to lift his shirt over his head Nat, Clint and Bucky walk in... "This is a public area Rogers..." Clint says smirking and i chuckle leaning my head against Steve's chest letting out a sigh... "Busted..." I whisper and Steve takes my hand pulling me out of the gym as i hear the others laughing...

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