Chapter 87

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"Steve jr...! Get your little but over here...!" I say waddling after my 2-year-old toddler who is squealing and giggling running away from me through the compound... I am currently 6 months pregnant with our second baby... A girl... 

The last 2 years had gone by so fast... Our boy grew up way to fast, but it was such an amazing ride... Everyone loves him and he can get away with pretty much everything and Steve and i have to intervene sometimes to make sure he does not get to be a spoiled brat... He isn't in the slightest... He is the sweetest boy but lately he has gotten in his no phase and bolting every chance he's got to go look for one of his uncles or auntie Nat... 

"Hold it right there buddy..." Steve says scooping Steve jr. up and wrapping him in his arms kissing his little cheeks making him giggle before walking over to me and kissing me... "No!" Our little boy protests at us kissing and i chuckle... Steve leans down still holding Steve jr. and kisses my belly... "Hello little girl..." He whispers and i smile... "Can you please entertain him while i go lay down for a nap...?" I ask and Steve nods kissing me again and again Steve jr. protests... "Let's go on a walk with Bear so momma can sleep..." Steve says and i chuckle as our little boy squeals at the mention of his best friend... 

I watch the two of them walk to the kitchen and call out for Bear and i smile before making my way back to our apartment... I love our apartment but i started to wonder if we maybe should find a house away from the compound... With a yard for Steve jr. to play in but the thought of leaving here made me sad... I loved our apartment there were so many precious memories here... Steve jr's. first steps... First words... All his firsts were here... Our little boy loved it here and everyone who we love is here so moving just feels ridiculous and yet a little voice in the back of my head said little Steve deserved a back yard... 

I look outside and smile as my boys are joined by Sam and Buck and are now running around Bear hot on their tails playing and goofing around. Maybe we could make a playground on compound grounds... I thought to myself making a mental note to talk to Tony about it... 

Tony was the worst of all when it came to spoiling our little boy so i knew if i would ask a playground would appear the next day... I sigh and rub my belly before walking over to the bed... I wanted to sleep but our little girl was being active and kicking and i knew that as long as she was kicking i wasn't going to get sleep... But still i wanted to lay down so i just get comfortable and give my body rest... 

We already had a name for our little girl we were going to stick to naming after and it would be Little Natasha Samantha Antonia... After Nat, Sam and Tony... Steve liked the names but was still a little hesitant thinking if we would name our baby after Tony, he would spoil our little girl even more than Steve jr. 

Then there was Fury who had taken his grandpa role serious... The man who brought fear to so many people turned into a mushy emotional and fun man when around Steve jr. He had a weekly day a week taking Steve out to go do something fun... He would babysit as Steve and i had a date night and he would have dinner with us once a week... He would check in and help out when Steve was on a mission and i was left alone with Steve jr... 

I can't sleep or get comfortable so i get up again and watch out where the guys are still playing with Steve jr. and Bear... Steve jr. having the serum in his blood was physically stronger than most kids his age... He walked at 9 months never really crawled... He eats more than kids his age because he burns more... In the future Steve will teach him to handle his strength but there is one other thing... He shocked us when he started to communicate with us well before he could talk showing us pictures in our heads of what he wanted... 

4 months after giving birth to him i went and experiment with my powers to see what i can all do, and it was amazing i can do so much more then i thought... Still i dont go on missions... It was just not for me... I work still at the compound do what i always did and still cook for everyone during the week and in the weekends, it is everyone for themselves...  

I sigh and waddle back downstairs and get working on dinner with Nat keeping me company and helping me... Nat and i have gotten extremely close she and Bucky gotten married a year ago and they were so happy. When we asked her and Bucky to be godparents, they both got emotional, and they are the best godparents any kid could wish for... Knowing that if something would happen to us Steve jr. he would still have loving people to take care of him and a man who can teach him to handle his strength was a comforting thought...

The guys come in and Steve jr. runs up to me and Nat lifts him on the counter for me so he can watch me cook... Steve comes over to me and pulls me in his arms kissing me passionately before leaning down kissing my belly again and i smile... "Love you princess..." He says after he stands up and kisses me again and i smile back at him... "Love you to captain..." I whisper back and he groans... "That is a dangerous thing to say... That is how we got pregnant with this one..." He growls squeezing my ass and i grin...

Everyone trickles in and i smile looking around at the chaos... I love this life i love this weird family... And in that moment i decide that the house with the yard has nothing on this... 

"Tony... Is it possible to put a playground outside somewhere...?" I ask out of the blue and he looks at me and smiles... "On it..." He says and Steve chuckles rolling his eyes. He looks at me knowing this means i have let the house go... Steve would move if that would make me happy... But i know that he loves it here to... We are happy and why change that...

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