Chapter 59

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I walk in the big kitchen, and everyone is eating cereal... I need muffin pan because i feel like making muffing and i bought a lot for my kitchen but nothing like that... I avoid looking at Tony, Bucky and Nat and they dont seem to be looking at me. Sam and Clint are eating in silence... 

Steve walks in asking if he can help me because the thing i need is of course out of my reach. He hands me what i need and i smile but i stop Steve from walking out again. "Clint... Sam... I want you to hear it from us before some people go spoil that to... I am pregnant..." I say smiling and they both drop their spoons and look at me... They stand up and walk over to us and congratulate us... "Congratulations momma..." Clint says and i smile. Thanks..." I say and he hugs me again before moving over to Steve and hugging him to... 

"Wauw a little captain..." Sam says hugging me again and i giggle. "Yes... A little captain..." I say grinning... "How far along are you..." He asks and i sigh... "9 weeks now..." I say and he smiled... "That is a bit early to share..." Clint says and Steve takes my hand.

"We didn't really have a choice anymore..." Steve says. "Guys we are sorry... Okay... We get it we fucked up..." Nat says... But i give her a death stare and she sits back down... "Come on you guys can stay mad forever..." Bucky says again and i want to say something but Steve steps in. 

"You dont get it do you... You really dont get it... We asked you to back off... But you kept pushing and pushing... Instead of just accepting that if it was something we wanted to share we would... We had to tell everyone now... Cleo doesn't trust you anymore to not tell anyone... But God forbid something happens to the baby and we are forced to tell everyone that to... So yes, we can stay mad..." Steve says and i just want to go because i can feel the tension in the room and it is making me anxious. 

"Oh, and let's not forget that Nat threatened to not have your back on a mission getting you killed..." I murmur and i just shake my head and push past her and walk out. Watching their face and them thinking that a simple sorry is going to fix this just makes me sick...

Steve catches up with me and tucks me under his shoulder. "Can we get out of here for a while... I just can't stand being here at the moment... Please Steve..." I say and start to cry... "Ok princess... Go pack a bag and I'll make arrangements for us to stay somewhere okay..." Steve whispers and i take a breath "We can go to my apartment..." I mumble and he chuckles... "No princess somewhere were you dont have to walk up 6 flights of stairs." He says and i nod because at this point i dont care i just want to get out of here... I felt like i couldn't breathe here...  

I took some stuff and put in a suitcase... I took more time packing this time making sure i got everything i need for a while... I texted Nick that Steve and i were leaving for a while... He said Steve had stopped by and told him and that he gave Steve time off, so he didn't need to come in... He told me to take it easy and i promised to keep him updated about the baby... 

Steve walked in and packed some stuff himself and when he was done i hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me and i finally felt myself relax a little bit. His arms around me makes everything better.  "I have to give Tony the credit card for compound expenses back... So, they can do the shopping with that..." I murmur and Steve nodded. I called over Bear and leashed him up. He had been nervously walking around me as i was packing wondering what was going on but now that he was coming along, he was okay... 

I texted Peter really quick that i was leaving the compound with Steve for a while and that as soon as i settled in i would let him know where we are... 

Steve carried out suitcases while i held Bear and when we walked past the kitchen i saw everyone sitting there. "I'll be right back..." I whisper and Steve nods... With Bear in tow i walked in and stood in front of Tony putting the card on the table... "You are going to need that for compound expenses... I dont know when i will be back... But Steve and i are taking some time off... It is already approved by Fury..." I said and i turned around and while they begged me to talk about this i walked out again towards Steve. 

"Let's go..." I whisper and Steve smiles... "You are going to love what i set up..." He said smiling and we walked to the car. He put the dog and our suitcases in the back before he opened the passenger door and helping me in... We drove for a while until we got to this lake and a few minutes later he stops next to this cute house...  It was the smallest house in a row of houses, but it was beautiful and already i could breathe better... "Welcome home princess..." Steve said as he opened the door and i smiled.  "It is perfect Steve..." I whisper and i wrap my arms around him and put my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and i giggled as Bear jumped out of the car running around thinking she had gone to heaven with all this space... 

After that Steve grabbed the suitcases and we walked to the front door where Steve to my surprise already had a key of... 

After exploring the house for a bit i dropped myself on the big bed in the master and Steve crawled beside me... "Naptime..." I murmur as he pulls me closer and i take the opportunity to snuggle into him better... "Naptime..." He murmurs and we slowly drift of to sleep. 

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