Chapter 90

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She is here... Our little girl is here... She is perfectly happy and healthy... Like our son she has her dad's eyes, and she is just beautiful... I watch her sleeping her crib while Steve and our boy are getting dinner... I smile as i hear them come in giggling and i sigh walking out of the nursery leaving my girl to sleep... 

Like Steve predicted Tony was over the moon to have her partly named after him and i giggle watching the biggest bunny i have ever seen sitting in our living room with thanks to Tony... But unlike Steve predicted he didn't ignore Steve jr. and had bought him a real rabbit as a pet... Steve and i had both groaned as Tony had not talked it over with us beforehand but we gave in because Steve jr. Was totally in love with it... "His name is Stark..." Steve jr. had said with the biggest smile on his face...

Time was going by way to fast... Being busy with family life... Our jobs and all the other things... I often just paused for a bit to just take a deep breath and take it all in... I was just so happy, and it seems to be going by so fast that i sometimes got a bit emotional from it... Sometimes i just wished i could stop time but unfortunately that was not one of my powers... 

With the birth of our daughter Steve started to think more and more about retirement... But i told him he didn't have to that for us... We would be okay either way and if it meant that when he was home, he would be happy and feeling fulfilled it was okay... Rather than then have him around all the time but grumpy for not having a purpose other than being a dad... But in the end, it would be up to him...

Life is good and i love my little family... I love my gorgeous husband and our perfect kids... I think my heart sometimes is going to burst with all the love i feel watching around the table at dinner... Not only for my husband and kids but also for the Avengers family... 

"Are you sure you two are going to be, okay? Looking after two kids is way different than just one..." I say standing in front of Bucky and Nat as i am all dressed up for a date night with Steve.

"We will be fine Cleo..." Nat says and i sigh... This will be the first time i am leaving them both in their hands and Steve jr. was in his sneaky phase... "Just remember silence is not always a good thing..." I say letting out a sigh and i feel Steve take my hand... "They will be fine princess... They have our number in case they cannot handle it..." He whispers in my ear and i sigh...

"Okay... Sorry i am just anxious i guess..." I mumble and Steve kisses my temple... "Junior... We are leaving be good to Uncle Buck and Auntie Nat..." He yells and Steve jr. yells bye back...  "Let's go princess..." He says and i sigh nod and Steve leads me out and towards the car... 

"You look beautiful princess..." Steve says as he opens the passenger door for me and i blush smile and kiss him... "You look very handsome in your tux captain..." I whisper and he blushes to making me giggle...

He won't tell me where we are going... The only thing he told me was to dress up so i did... I gasp when he stops in front of the restaurant where we had dinner after we have gotten married and all of a sudden it dawns on me... It is our anniversary... "Can't believe i forgot... I am a terrible wife..." I mumble and Steve smiles taking my hand kissing the back of it... "No, you're not... Your just an extremely busy woman dealing with two kids a clingy husband and a fulltime job..." He says and i blush... 

He gets out the car and helps me out and we walk in the restaurant that is now busy with other guests and the host greats us and leads us to our table... "Oh Steve..." I whisper as it is going to be dinner by candlelight surrounded by red roses... "You like it...?" He whispers and i turn towards him cup his face with both hands and pull him into a passionate kiss... "I love it..." I whisper and he smiles... 

He pulls out my chair and the waiter brings us a bottle of champagne. We toast and look over the menu as we sneak peaks at each other smiling... Dinner is amazing and i push the kids to the back of my mind focusing on my gorgeous sexy husband... We hold hands and do all the cliche things you can think of... He lets me taste his food feeding me and i just love it all...

"We should do things like this more often..." I whisper tucked under Steve his arm as we have a midnight stroll in the moonlight... "Yes, we should..." He says stopping me and kissing me until i am out of breath... We walk back to the car and i stop Steve from opening the door and pull him into a kiss my hands roaming his body under his tux jacket... I moan and pull at his dress shirt and pull it out of his pants wanting to feel his skin under my fingertips... 

"Princess..." He growls as i feel his hands glide over my body and grabbing my ass pulling me against him and i can't resist stroking him through his pants making him groan and pushing me up against the car... "I can't wait Steve... I need you now..." I moan and start to unbuckle his pants making he groan again... I can feel him pull up my dress and when i free his dick he lifts me up trapping me between the car and his body and i wrap my legs around his waist... I feel him slam into me and he covers my mouth as i scream out in pleasure... 

"Shht princess... We dont want to get caught..." He growls in my ear and i whimper... He fucks me up against the car and i am a mess moaning the excitement of the possibility getting caught and his big dick stretching me overwhelming... It is hard fast and raw... He slams into me over and over trying to fuck me as deep as possible... I just hold on for dear life pleasure taking over and he kisses me hard to muffle my moans... "Come for me princess..." He growls and after a few more thrusts i cum around him sending him over the edge filling me up and after catching our breath for a few seconds he pulls out and pulls my dress back down making me giggle...

After we are fixed our clothes, he smiles and kisses me again... "Let's go home... I am not done with you yet..." He growls and i feel a shiver run through my body...

While holding my hand rubbing his thumb over the back of it, he drives us home and we walk upstairs hand in hand... I open the door and gasp as it looks like a bomb has exploded and Nat and Buck are lying on the couch with Steve jr. asleep between them... Steve groans and i just giggle... Bucky and Nat wake up and blush... Steve picks up our little boy bringing him to bed and i get Buck and Nat out the door telling them it is okay and thanking them...

"Tomorrow..." I mumble looking at the mess walking to the bedroom taking of my clothes and laying down naked on the bed waiting for Steve who walks in a few moments later and i grin... "You made me a promise captain..." I whisper in a sweet voice, and he growls taking off his clothes stalking over to me... 

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