Chapter 49

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I sigh and look up... "Hello... Sorry i dont know your name..." I say feeling annoyed for him being here... "But you remember me, right?" He says with a weird smirk on his face and even if you couldn't do what i do you knew what he was thinking. "Yeah, you are one of the trainees in the class my boyfriend is teaching..." I say in an annoyed tone, but he doesn't seem to pick up on that.   "Yeah, that is right... Can i sit..." He asks and i shake my head. "No... You can't..." I say and he looks stunned for a moment but to my surprise he sits down anyway... 

"Look i dont know what your game is here... But i dont want it... I want you to get up and walk away before i make you or Steve gets back..." I hiss at him and i see Steve appear beside his seat where the guy has just sat down... "You heard the lady..." He growls... "She didn't want you to sit down so get up and walk away..." He says in a stern voice... 

"Dont worry Cap... I was just trying to get to know your girl no need to be all tense big guy..." He says patting his arm and i sigh because he made a big mistake... "First of all, it is Captain Rogers to you... She made it perfectly clear she didn't want you to sit down, and you did anyway... So, change your attitude and you will come and see me before class tomorrow..." He says and the guy chuckles... I can see Steve is fighting his anger with everything he got... "Sure, captain Rogers... Talk to you later Ms...?" He says trying to get me to tell my name but i dont want to and i roll my eyes. "Ms... None of your business... We will not talk later because i have no desire to talk to you... So dont bother and just leave me alone in the future before it is getting a problem..." I say and the guy grins but finally walks off. 

"You, okay?" Steve asks and i nod smiling at him. "Yeah, babe i am fine... Let him not ruin our night... Are you okay?" I ask and he smiles... "I will deal with him tomorrow..." He says letting out a sigh and i nod. 

The waitress comes over and we order something to eat... "So, you are going to see Bruce for a checkup tomorrow?" Steve asks and i nod giving him a small smile. "Yes, first thing on my list after breakfast..." I said smiling and i couldn't help but chuckle a little because he seemed relieved. "I am fine Steve... Just not really been sleeping well..." I whisper and he takes my hand and plays with my fingers... "Maybe... But thanks for going anyway..." He says and i smile nodding. "Of course, anything to make you happy..." I say smirking and he chuckles.

Our food is being brought and i smile at the waitress who looks nervous... "You, okay?" I ask and she nods but i can see she is not... "Somebody giving you trouble?" I ask and she is trying her best to keep her cool... Steve stands up and i sigh pointing out his cadet and his friends being loud rowdy and harassing a waitress... "Sorry... princess i will be right back..." Steve says and i nod smiling at him... Steve sighs and walks over to the idiots.  "Dont worry sweetie Steve will handle it..." I say winking at her. 

The rowdy group suddenly goes quiet and i can hear Steve bellow through the diner to let the waitress go and the girl finally is free from the idiots. I hear Steve tell them to leave and not come back and that the cadet doesn't need to come by his office before class but that he will have a talk with Fury to see if he still will be in the program... This seems to freak the cadet out... And while they leave, he keeps begging Steve to not have him thrown out of the program... Steve says nothing and just tells him to leave and escorts them to their cars and waiting for them to drive off... 

The waitress who was being harassed is now also standing by our table shaking and visibly distraught... "Dont worry they won't be back if they know what is good for them..." I say smiling and she seems to calm down a bit... I scribble my number down on a piece of paper handing it to one of them... "If they cause you trouble in the future just call and i make sure someone is coming to help okay..." And they both nod and smile taking my number. 

Steve goes back in, and the waitresses thank him, and he smiles telling them no problem and he sits back down... The girls leave and we finish our food... "You need to talk with Fury about it tonight when we get back..." I say and he nods... "I am coming with..." I say smiling and Steve chuckles "Of course you are... You have Fury wrapped around you fingers..." He says smirking... I chuckle. "Someone is sounding a bit jealous..." I whisper with a little smirk on my face. Steve laughs shaking his head. 

"Not jealous sweetheart... Sometimes just wondering why he is so different around you..." He says smirking and i sigh... "I will tell you, but you have to keep it to yourself..." I say and Steve nods... "Say it... Otherwise it doesn't count..." I whisper and he chuckles... "I promise princess..." He says and i take a deep breath explaining everything that happened from the moment i saved him from the gunman to what i saw when he visited my apartment...  

"So long story short i kind of remind him of his daughter who passed away..." I say and Steve smiles at me... "I didn't even know he used to have a daughter..." He says and i chuckle... "He had no intention on telling me but broke into my apartment so i was not, not going to use my powers on him and that is when i saw it..." I say shrugging my shoulders and he chuckles... "It is just funny to see sometimes how Fury is handling you and is being handled by you and none of us can do that, so we just watch it and enjoy the show..." Steve says... "Well i am here to entertain..." I say smirking.  

We change the subject and talk about other things and i just smile that even with how dinner started we always seem to be able to get back to calm and relaxed...  When we are done with our dinner i go and pay for the food under heavy protest from Steve but i give him no choice... I give the girls a nice tip and remind them to call when needed... They thank Steve for his help, and he smiles nodding... 

Steve takes my hand, and we walk out, and he helps me up on the bike behind him and i plant a kiss in his neck making him smile. "I love you..." I murmur and he turns towards me and pulls me in for a passionate kiss. "Love you to princess..." He whispers and after that he sits back to normal starts the bike and we drive off back to the compound... We arrive and before we go back to our place we go to Fury's office, and it is no surprise he is still here...

"Mr. Fury doesn't want to be disturbed..." His assistant says and i roll my eyes... "He will make an exception for me..." I say walking past her and i knock on the door before entering... "You can't go in there." She yells running after me but i am not listening and Steve just chuckles following me in. "Nicky, we need to talk..." I say walking in, and he shakes his head with a smile on his face... "I am so sorry Mr. Fury she just pushed past me..." She says out of breath and Nick laughs again... "It is okay you can go home have a good night..." He says to the assistant, and she looks shocked but goes away...

Steve and i sit down and explained what happened and Nick nods acknowledging that that behavior is troublesome, and he will deal with it in the morning and for Steve to be present... Nick tells us there have been more complaints about his behavior and this is just the last drop... An agent should not be harassing waitresses and other people... 

"So, Cleo... A little birdy told me you are not sleeping great..." Nick says and i roll my eyes and look at Steve who is blushing... "Dont blame him he is worried..." Nick says and i sigh... "I know he is... That is why i promised to let Banner do some tests tomorrow..." I say and Nick nods... "Good... and please let me know if the job is to much stress and that is making you lose sleep..." He says and i chuckle. "The job is no stress... Being a waitress at that shit diner... That was stress..." I say and he chuckles... After talking for a bit longer we say goodbye and i let Steve tuck me under his arm as we make our way to the apartment... After watching a movie, we decide to go to bed, and it doesn't take long before i am back to sleep again. 

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