Chapter 56

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A few days have passed and i am in the big kitchen making dinner for everyone. Steve walks in and smiles and he come up behind me wrapping his arms around me hugging me from behind. "How are you feeling princess..." He whispers rubbing his hand over my stomach as he keeps kissing my neck and i lean back into him letting out a sigh... "Beter than yesterday..." I whisper and i can feel him let out a sigh of relief... 

Yesterday i kept throwing up and i stayed at the apartment while Steve kept helping me rubbing my back holding my hair and cleaning me up each time... But i could feel his anxiety oozing from every pore... In the afternoon he had called Banner but there was not really something he could do other than prescribe something... I had asked him to wait with this and if it stayed like this, we could always do that but for now i just wanted to do it like this... I had thrown up before but not the whole day so to go to medication immediately was not something i was willing to do... Steve just hated seeing me that miserable... Because somehow i couldn't take my own morning sickness away... 

Steve was whispering in my ear and rubbing my belly making me giggle... "You two seem giddy... What is that about..." Nat said and we both looked up... "We are giddy when we have a little private moment?" I ask her. "No... But you guys have a lot of private little moment lately..." She says smirking and i shrug my shoulders. 

"We are just happy... There is nothing more to it... Not everything is some grand conspiracy Romanoff..." Steve said rolling his eyes and i had to do my absolute best to not smirk or giggle because it was so hard on him to not just tell.... It has been tortures for him the last couple of days... What killed him the most was not telling Buck... His best friend and buddy... 

"What is for dinner?" Nat asked and i smiled. "Chicken or salmon whatever the person wants with mashed potatoes or baked potatoes and an assortment of steamed vegetables..." I said and she smiled. "Sounds good... See you later..." She said as she walked of biting in the apple, she had taken from the massive fruit bowl i had put into place on one of my first days here. 

"I think we are in trouble..." I whisper to Steve, and he looks at me confused... I roll my eyes and sigh... "Have you never noticed Nat can't let things go... She will keep digging until she is satisfied with her answer..." I say letting out a sigh and putting my head on Steve on his chest groaning... "Why do i life with spy's..." I mumble... 

"Relax princess... I will handle it when needed okay...?" He whispers wrapping his arm around me and i nod... "I know i am doing this to myself because we could just tell... but i am not ready yet... It all gives me anxiety..." I mumble and he sighs... "It's okay princess we will tell when you are ready... Or when you get too big, and we can't hide it anymore..." He says and when i look up at him he is smirking. "Oh, shut up..." I mumble and he grins even more... "I love you princess..." He whispers and kisses me... "I love you to captain..." I whisper smiling back at him. 

We continue with dinner and when we are almost done i tell Jarvis to get everyone to the kitchen... When they arrive i hand out plates with what they want they sit down. It is chaos at the table when everyone is eating and i take my own plate and sit down next to Steve... I have a little bit of chicken and a little bit of salmon and mashed potatoes...with the vegetables... 

I eat calmly because i am a little scared that my dinner will hit me wrong and i have to run out of here to go and throw up... "Something wrong Cleo?" Tony says and i sigh before looking up at him with a fake smile. "No? Why?" I say annoyed... "Because you are playing with your food and eating really slow..." Tony says and i sigh throwing my fork on the plate... 

"Anyone else got something to fucking say... Barnes thinks the Steve and i buying things is suspicious, I am acting to happy according to Natasha and now Tony has a problem with how i eat? You know what..." I say standing up. I grab my plate and i walk to the sink throwing it in... "You know what you guys can make you own damn food again... I am fucking done... " I say angerly and i walk out leaving them in shock at the table. 

When i am halfway towards our apartment Steve catches up with me. He scoops me up making me yelp... "Are you mad..." I whisper and he grins and shakes his head... "No princess... I am proud... You should have seen the looks on their faces... I think they will leave you alone for now... When i left Sam was going off at Bucky, Nat and Tony because now they have to go back to taking turns cooking... And Sam looooves your cooking... Banner sat there just hiding away because he knows of course, and Clint just kept eating unbothered by the drama like always... " Steve says and puts me down as we have reached our door. 

"Maybe i overreacted a little..." I whisper and Steve laughs... He opens the door, and we walk in... "I wasn't done eating... I am still hungry" I sigh, and he chuckles... "I can order you something... Or i can make you something..." Steve says and i look at him sad... "I just wanted to eat the dinner i had prepared..." I say and i can feel the tears coming... and before Steve can ever comfort me i am fully crying... He hugs me kisses my forehead and says that he will go and get me some... 

I am sitting still crying a little bit at the counter when i hear Steve coming back. He opens the door... "No leave her alone... Just let her eat in peace and try again tomorrow..." Steve says before slamming the door behind him...  

"Princess... Dinner is served." He says as he ceremonially puts a plate in front of me with everything i had before... "God i love you..." I mumble and pull him in for a kiss. He chuckles while i finally can eat... "Bucky, Nat and Tony want to talk to you..." Steve says grinning... "They are getting a bit of crap from the others... They were told to either get you to cook again or provide breakfast and dinner every day that you dont..." Steve says smirking.

"Well for today i am dont talking to anyone but you..." I say smiling at him with a mouth full of food making him chuckle... When i am halfway done with my plate i push it towards Steve and he smirks finishing the rest... 

After that we go for a walk with Bear and i just smile being tucked under Steve his arm feeling snug and safe while the big fluff runs around us

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