Chapter 46

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I just got changed in my dress when Steve walks into the closet..."Fuck princess... You are killing me in that dress..." He growls and i blush... "You like it?" I whisper twirling around and he grins stepping in front of me. He runs his finger up and down between my breasts as the dress has this plunging neckline... "I like it princess..." He says grinning and i smile... "It is not to revealing?" I whisper as he hovers his lips over mine... "Every man in that party is going to wish he was me... Because i have the sexiest most beautiful woman on my side..." He says and kisses me and i smile into the kiss... 

"You look very handsome to..." I murmur and he chuckles... "Glad you approve princess..." He says before deepening the kiss... When we finally come up for air, he smiles... "Just promise me that you will stay close to me princess..." He says grinning and i chuckle... "Why?" I ask looking at him all innocently... "Because i dont want someone to get the wrong idea princess... And when necessary i have to stake my claim..." He says and i giggle... "I dont think that would be necessary after our little show this afternoon..." I say smirking and he laughs before kissing me again. 

After i had sprayed on some perfume Steve held out his arm for me to take... "You know this is the first time we go to a party together..." I say and he looks at me and smiles... "And i have never looked forward to a party more..." He says and i blush... 

We can hear the music and the doors open and we walk down the stairs entering the party... Steve leads me to the bar were Nat and Bucky are and we join them... "See told you that dress was a good choice..." Nat said and i chuckled... "What do you want to drink princess..." Steve asks and i tell him to get me gin and tonic... He smiles and disappears to get us some drinks... 

"That was quite the show today..." Nat says and i giggle... "Yeah, rumor is that you were able to get Steve... Mr. responsibility... to cancel training..." Bucky ads and i grin... "I did no such thing... I just told him what i was going to do... And what his options were..." I said and Bucky and Nat laughed shaking their heads... "Well i am happy to see him loosen up a bit..." Bucky nods and Nat nods in agreement...

Steve comes back and hand me my drink and kisses my temple... "I still think it is weird you guys' drink when it has no effect whatsoever..." I say and Bucky and Steve look at their drinks... "We can get drunk... Asgard liquor will do the trick..." Steve said and i looked at him surprised. "I would love to see that... You and Buck drunk... I can't even imagine it..." I said and Nat chuckled... "Please you dont have to i will tell you... They get all emotional and talk about the good old days... They get whiney and keep hugging each other..." Nat says and i laugh as Bucky and Steve both turn red as a tomato... 

"Remind me to ask Thor for some because i want to see that..." I say smirking and Bucky and Steve just shake their heads.  "Yeah... Not a chance princess..." Steve growls... "We will see..." I say smirking as i take a sip of my drink... 

"There she is the guest of honor..." We hear and when i turn around Tony walks over to us... "Talking about drunk..." Nat said smirking and i giggled... "Hello Tony..." I said... "So... i got a complaint about you canceling a training today... Mid training i might ad..." He said looking at Steve and Steve smirked... "Sorry Tony i wasn't feeling well and Steve canceled training to help take care of me..." I said grinning before Steve could even respond... "Not feeling well... right..." Tony said and i smirked... 

"I wouldn't be able to be here tonight, Tony... And you wouldn't like that now won't you... And if you will excuse us... He now needs to dance with me..." I said taking Steve's hand and pulling him away. 

As Steve pulled me in his arms on the dancefloor he grinned. "Not feeling well huh..." Steve said and i chuckled... "It wasn't a complete lie..." I murmur and Steve laughs... "You do know he knows right... He saw you dangling over my shoulder..." Steve said and i chuckled... "Oh i know... But sometimes i like messing with him..." I whisper and Steve kisses me... 

I smiled as Steve swayed me over the dancefloor... I couldn't keep my eyes off of him... "You are really good at this..." I whisper and put my head on his chest as i felt in heaven... "Yeah in the good old days they still make you take dance lessons..." Steve whispered and i giggled... "But i never dreamed of dancing with such a beautiful woman..." He whispered and i looked up at him... "Smooooth..." I said and he chuckled. 

After dancing for a while, we got another drink and i leaned against his chest while on of his arms was wrapped around me. "Do you ever think about the future..." I whisper and he plants a kiss on my shoulder... "What do you mean princess..." He whispers back... "Oh i dont know... A future with more than just parties and work..." I murmur... 

I dont know where this came from all of a sudden but i had this urge to see where he stood on this... We never really talked about kids... Or marriage... even though we practically lived together from day one... Kids kept popping up in my head and i dont know why... 

"Do you mean marriage and kids... The house with the white picket fence..." He whispered in my ear and i blushed... "Among other things..." I mumble not wanting to freak him out... "I think about it sometimes..." He whispers and kisses my temple again... 

"Hey what are you two sneakily whispering about..." Sam says coming up to us with a woman on his side... I smirk at him, and he shakes his head... "Never mind dont want to know...I want to introduce you to my sister... Her and her boys are going to stay with us in the compound for a while..." Sam says and i smile shaking her hand before Steve does. "Welcome to the family Sarah..." I say smiling. "What do your boys like to have for breakfast in the morning?" I ask. 

"You dont have to make them breakfast..." She says and i shake my head. "I am making everyone breakfast anyway so it would be nice to know what they like so i can make that every now and then... You know to make them feel welcome..." I say and Sarah smiles... "Pancakes and Bacon..." She says and i chuckle... "Well, they are in for a treat... Cleo's pancakes are the best..." Steve says kissing my temple again... 

"Peter is going to be excited he is not the youngest anymore..." I say smirking and they all laugh. "Well i hope you and the boys will feel at home here and if you need anything let me know... I do all the shopping and stuff so just give me a list of things you need and i will get it for you..." I say smiling and Sarah nods... 

"Bucky and Nat join us and they welcome Sarah to as i keep thinking about Steve and mines little conversation until Sam interrupted us... "Cleo... yoohoo Cleo..." Nat says pulling me out of my daze and i look up at her and do my best to smile... "Where were you off to..." Nat asks and i shake my head... "Sorry i am just tired..." I mumble blushing and Nat chuckles... "I bet you are after being 'sick'..." She says putting her hands up in air quotes with a grin on her face and i chuckle. 

"Oh, shut up..." I mumble and she laughs... After hanging out with the rest for a little longer Steve and i say goodbye and go back to the apartment...

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