Chapter 67

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"You need to eat more Cleo... The baby is taking more energy from you than a baby normally would..." Banner said looking at some lab results... I groaned but nodded... "The rest looks great... The baby's heartbeat is strong, and everything is on schedule..." Banner said smiling and i let out a sigh... 

Steve leaned down and kissed my forehead smiling... "More food... That i can do..." He said smirking and i groaned. "Dont go overboard Steve..." I whispered and he kissed me. "Need to take care of my wife and our baby..." He said smiling and kissed me again. 

I sat back up after i cleaned off my belly and straightened out my clothes. Steve took my hand and pulled me off the table... "Let's get you something to eat... Doctor's orders..." He said and we thanked Banner and walked to the kitchen. "You're not going to cook right?" I said smirking and Steve stopped turning to me... "What is wrong with my cooking..." He said faking as if he was offended... I giggled and shook my head just walking on... 

We arrived at the kitchen and before i could even take something out of the fridge Steve lifted me up and put me on one of the bar stools kissed me and told me to stay put... I watched him and i couldn't help but admire him as his muscles flexed while he was cooking and moving around in the kitchen...

"Steve?" I whisper and he looks up at me... "Could you come over here for a second..." I whisper and he looks at me confused but cleans his hand and walks around the kitchen counter... towards me... I grab his shirt and pull him closer to me and wrap my legs around him so he can't go anywhere... "Kiss me please..." I whisper and he grins leans down and kisses me... His arms wrap around me pulling me even closer. 

I let out a little moan and he uses it to slip his tongue inside of my mouth and he leans back and i put my arms around his waist holding onto him as he dips me further down making me smile into the kiss...

"Ahum..." We hear and we break apart both of us out of breath and i giggle burying my head in Steve's chest as Sam is standing there... "People eat here you know..." Sam says and we both start laughing. Steve goes back to cooking and Sam sits down next to me. "How are you feeling momma..." He says smiling and i smirk back at him. "Scared..." I say smirking and he looks at me confused. "Why something wrong with the baby?" He asks and i shake my head... "No, the baby is fine... But Steve is cooking..." I say and Sam and i burst out laughing while Steve just looks at us totally shocked. 

"What the..." He says and Sam and i smirk at him... "Keep cooking captain the baby is hungry..." I said smirking and Steve shakes his head with a little smirk on his face. 10 minutes later he puts a plate of pancakes in front of me and i have to admit they smelled good.  I take a bite and smile at him... "Can't cook..." He mumbled and i chuckled... "They taste really good captain..." I said and he blushed but with a little bit of a proud smile on his face.

"Let me taste..." Sam said and i shook my head guarding my plate... "Mine... Need to eat for 2..." I said almost growling and both Steve and Sam laughed... Nat and Bucky walked in looking confused... "Dont come between mama and her food..." Sam said offended and i smirked... "Banner said i need to eat more... Baby is like his dad... taking all my energy..." I said smirking at Steve and Nat and Bucky chuckled. 

"Okay that is enough..." Steve said as he walked over to me and kissed me to shut me up... "See takes my breath away..." I whispered smiling at him when we broke the kiss earning us some gagging sounds from the others... 

"Seriously guys?"  Steve said and i chuckled. "Okay... Okay... We will dial it down a bit... But in return i want a milkshake... And you all have to come along..." I said smirking and they all turned to me letting out some groans... "What... Are you guys going to say no to a pregnant lady?" I say pouting and Steve kisses my temple while whispering that i am evil. 

"No didn't think so..." I say smirking as Steve helps me off the stool... "Let's go..." I say walking out smiling from ear to ear as they all follow me... "Where are you going?" Tony asks as we pass him and i grab his arm dragging him along... "We are going to get me... a milkshake... Where is Banner, Clint and the kid?" I ask him and he points to the lab so i drag him along to the lab and i i shut everything down what they are working on... "Milkshake time..." I say smirking. Banner and Clint seem confused, but Peter is jumping up and down all excited... 

"God i remember this from when Laura was pregnant... But she didn't drag everyone along..." Clint says letting out a chuckle and i grin at him. 

"Is it really necessary that everyone comes along?" Tony asks and i give him a stare... "Okay everyone needs to come along..." He says rolling his eyes... 

I take Steve his hand and everyone walks to the garage to get in their car and take off... "You are bossy pregnant..." Steve says kissing the back of my hand and i smirk. "I have always been bossy... The pregnancy just makes it stand out..."  I say smirking and Steve laughs. 

We arrive at the diner, and it is hilarious seeing people react to us walking in... To me this are all normal people but then again i have them around me daily. One of the waitresses from the last time we were here and i smile greeting her... "Milkshakes for everyone..." I say smiling and she chuckles taking everyone's order... "Can i get some fries to..." I say smiling and the waitress nods and leaves... 

I smile looking around as people talk and joke and i feel happy having everything back to normal... I take Steve his arm putting it around me and i cuddle into him letting out a sigh... "You, okay?" He whispers and i look up at him and smile... "Yes... Happy..." I say and kiss him... 

The milkshakes and fries are brought to our table and i sigh... This is a nice day... Just a normal day... Peter is asking Tony a hundred questions... Nat is cuddled into Bucky and together with Steve and Clint they are discussing something i dont pay attention to... Sam is talking with Banner about something that could improve his suit but again i dont pay attention to the details... I just smile as Bucky, Nat, Clint and Steve are keep discussing something i dont care about... But i feel comfortable and happy... Cuddled into my husband... Sipping on my milkshake eating my fries... Watching the chaos that is my unconventional family around me...

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