Chapter 79

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I squeal and giggle as Steve picks me up and walks us back to the bedroom... He closes the door behind us and puts me down before cupping my face and kissing me passionately. "A boy..." He whispers smiling after we break the kiss and i chuckle... "A little Steve..." I mumble and he smiles... "You know what sucks..." I whisper and he shakes his head.

"I want to tell everyone because i am so happy..." I whisper and he chuckles. "We can tell them if you want..." He says but i smirk and shake my head... "Not yet... I want to keep it between us for now..." I whisper and he grins... "Okay princess... Whatever you want..." Steve says and i smirk... "Whatever i want???" I whisper hovering my lips over his and i smirk as he swallows hard... "Yes..." He whispers and my smirk gets even bigger... "Well i want to go shopping..." I say and he groans... "You said whatever i want..." I whisper pouting, and he smiles... 

"Okay let's go..." He whispers and i smile but as he wants to step out of my embrace i pull him back and kiss him passionately again making him chuckle into the kiss... "Are you sure you want to go shopping princess..." He softly growls into the kiss and i giggle... "Yes captain... I am..." I whisper and he smiles... 

"Okay... Well let's go then..." He says and takes my hand. We walk out the door and when we come downstairs run into Tony and Clint... "Well..." Tony says and i shake my head... "We are not telling Tony..." I say and Steve grins... "What do you mean you are not telling..." Tony says annoyed and Clint chuckles. "What is not to understand Tony... We are not telling..." Steve says and i look at him and smile. "Come on!!!" Tony yells but Steve pulls me away and i look back grinning. "Bye Tony!" I yell and let Steve drag me to the garage...

We arrive at the store i told Steve about and he looks around at all the baby stuff... "I dont think we can keep what we are having secret for long..." I whisper as i look at all the cute boy tuff and Steve chuckles. "We can... I can paint the nursery and put all the furniture together myself..." He says smiling and i hug him... "We can paint together..." I whisper but he shakes his head. 

"Do you want to pick out furniture today?" He asks and i shrug my shoulders... "We can at least have a look around... They got everything here..." I say and he nods. I walk around with the biggest smile on my face adding a few sets of clothes to the cart as they are too cute and i can't resist... When we walk through the furniture department our eyes are drawn to a set and we both agree that it is perfect, so we buy it and set it up to be delivered... 

While Steve is arranging for the nursery to be delivered i look at strollers and a chair to rock the baby... It looks like a big egg... "What is that..." Steve says and i smile... "It rocks the baby..." I say and he looks at me... "Do you want it?" He asks and i shrug my shoulders... "Not now..." I mumble letting out a sigh... "What is wrong?" Steve asks and i sigh... "There is so much... It is a bit overwhelming... Do we need all this... What do we need... What if the baby is born and we dont have something... I should know this..." I say feeling a little defeated... 

"Princess... I dont know everything either... We can find out together we dont need to buy everything now..." He whispers while hugging me. "What if i am going to be a terrible mother..." I whisper now crying and he sighs... "Princess that is not possible... You are going to be amazing..." He says holding me tighter... "Let's go out of here now and get something to eat..." He says and i nod as he moves and wipes my tears away... 

After we left the store and loaded the small things in the car, we drive to the diner making me smile... It had become our little spot nothing fancy but i loved it... It was us... We smiled and waved at the waitresses and sat down... "Have you thought about names?" I asked while we waited for the waitress to come and take our order... 

"Honestly... I haven't really thought about it... I was too caught up in wondering if we were having a boy or a girl..." Steve says blushing and i smile... "Would you want him named after you.... little Steven jr..." I say smiling and he blushes... "Steven James Nick Rogers..." I say smiling and Steve laughs... "Tony is going to throw a fit..." He says and i grin... 

"Fine... Steven James Nick Anthony Rogers... But then we have to put Bruce in there to... So, it will become Steven James Nick Anthony Bruce Roger and that is just plain cruel..." I say and Steve chuckles... "You are forgetting Clint, Sam and Peter..." Steve says smirking and i roll my eyes... "I haven't seen Peter a lot lately..." I mumble and Steve smiles. "He is focusing on school princess... He is graduating this year and applying for colleges..." Steve says and i nod... "I just miss his goofiness sometimes..." I mumble and Steve takes my hand... "We can call our baby Peter... That will make sure everyone is going to have a fit..." Steve says smirking and i laugh...

"But i think we should not name our baby after me..." He mumbles and i look at him surprised... "Why not?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders... "I dont want that pressure on the kid... Steve Rogers stands synonymous for Captain America and i want our son to be who he wants to be..." He says and i smile... 

The waitress comes over and i order pancakes with syrup and some fruit... Steve orders a burger with fries and orders some extra fries and both of us order a milkshake. "Why did you order extra fries?" I ask him and he smirks... "Because i am hungry and i know you will want some..." He says and i blush... 

"Let's just think about names for a while... We still have time..." Steve says and i nod... We talk about everything baby and when our food comes i dig in and of course i can't resist the fries making Steve proud of himself... After we have eaten, we go back to the compound... All the emotions have made me tired and i go to lay down for a while to take a nap... But is a restless nap as my mind keeps racing with everything we have to get for our little boy and i can't seem to quiet my thoughts...

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