Chapter 12

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I wake up in the middle of the night and although i had eaten before going to sleep my stomach was growling and so i got up and made my way to the kitchen... The compound was dark and quiet as i walked the halls... Everyone was asleep but still i pretended to be in pain because there were eyes everywhere... I was well aware that someone was always looking... I smile remembering Tony laughing when they came back from a mission, and he showed me the security footage of me dancing around the kitchen having my own little private party... 

I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge... I sigh... of course there is almost nothing here... The groceries burned with the car... I grab an apple and sigh... "Note to self... Order groceries tomorrow..." I mumble to myself and sigh again... "You should be resting..." I all of a sudden hear and i let out a little yelp... "Jeezzz you scared me..." I said trying to calm my breathing and get my heartbeat under control... 

Steve said nothing and stepped closer to me... "How are you feeling..." He said his voice soft... caring almost... I noticed his eyes... They looked... Sad? Worried? Angry? I couldn't put my finger on it and i couldn't get a read on his emotions... It was like they were scrambled... 

"Sore..." I mumbled and he sighed... I took in a sharp breath as he all of a sudden put his hand on my cheek... I closed my eyes for a split second reveling in his touch... 

He ran his thumb over one of the bruises in my face... I could feel my body respond to his touch and it confused me... He took another step closer, and he was now standing so close that i had to look up at him... All my senses were flooded by his close proximity and i was utterly confused...

He leaned down hesitantly and for a moment it looked like he was going to kiss me, but he didn't... He cleared his throat and stood up straight again... "You should go back to bed and rest..." He said and all i could do is nod... He stepped aside and held out his arm as to say... after you... We walked in silence back to our rooms... 

We reached my door, and he stopped walking... I looked at him and he said nothing but reached out for me again and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear... "Goodnight Cleo..." He whispered and i nodded again... "Goodnight..." I whispered and opened my door stepping in my room closing it behind me... I stood there for a minute or so... 

"What the fuck was that?" I mumble to myself... I put my hands on my cheek remembering how his touch felt on my skin... How the warmth of his skin had seeped into my cheek and how my body had instinctively reacted... For a moment i debated to go to his room and ask him but i shook it off... 

I crawled back in bed and closed my eyes... but as i closed my eyes all i could see were his boring into me with that sad/worried/angry look... I fell asleep but his eyes even haunted me in my sleep and when i woke up in the morning i groaned... This can't be happening... "Get a grip..." I mumble to myself... "You are just vulnerable right now... Tomorrow he will be an ass again..." I say to myself...

There is a knock on the door... When i tell the person on the other side to come in... I pray it is not Steve... The door opens and Tony appears... "Goodmorning Cleo..." He says smiling and i sit up in bed... "Morning..." I mumble still thinking about last night... 

"How are you feeling..." He asks sitting down on the edge of the bed... "I will life..." I say and give him a smile... There is another knock and i smile again as Pepper appears... "Hey Cleo... I have some breakfast for you..." She says and put the tray in front of me... I smile as everything smells so good... 

Pepper stays for a few minutes and kisses Tony before leaving again and Tony looks at me and sighs... "Did Fury tell you that you are not to leave the compound... and if it is really needed to not leave alone...?" He asks and i nod... "Dont worry Tony i have no desire to leave alone..." I mumble and he sighs again... 

"Did you find out who did this?" I whisper and he shakes his head... "We checked every camera from here to the store, but they were good and avoided them..." He says and i groan... "And inside the store?" I ask and Tony looks confused... 

I blush and explain that i started to feel like i was followed in the store... Tony sighs and looks annoyed and i apologize saying it slipped my mind yesterday... "I'll go check..." He says and stands up... "Tony... Could you hand me my iPad... so i can order our groceries..." I say and he smiles walking to my desk and walking back handing me the iPad... "Let us know when it arrives..." He says and i nod before he walks out leaving me alone with my confusing thoughts again... 

While i am busy ordering groceries and answering some emails Bruce stops by and he examines me... He tells me to take it easy to not overdo it but that i can get out of bed if i feel up for it... I promise him i will take it easy and thank him for checking up on me and he smiles. I take another shower after i am done ordering our groceries and put on something comfy before making my way to the kitchen... I grab a bottle of water and sit down next to Peter who is doing homework for school... I smile as he starts rambling to me about some biology homework... 

I am thankful for the distraction of helping him with his homework as Steve walks in with Sharon... She is giggling and it annoys me... Our eyes meet but his eyes are cold... Nothing like last night and he looks away... I sigh and focus my attention back to Peter helping him... I can hear Sharon say goodbye in the background but i can feel she is hesitant to leave... I just ignore them keeping my focus on Peter and his homework...

"Peter! Cleo needs to rest..." It all of a sudden sound and i look up angry at Steve... "I am sorry Mr. Rogers..." He mumbles and then looks at me and starts to apologize... "It is okay Peter i am fine go on..." I say ignoring Steve... "Peter go to your room..." Steve says and Peter shrugs his shoulder looking at me with sad eyes and gets up... He gathers his stuff and walks out of the kitchen... 

"What the hell!!" I yell at him standing up and he looks back at me with a cold and hard look... "You should rest!" He growls stalking towards me and i scoff... "I was sitting down... Bruce told me i was fine to be out of bed... Who the fuck do you think you are telling me i can't help the kid..." I spit at him... "Language..." He growled... I roll my eyes... "If you are not willing and able to take care of yourself... It is my task to..." He says but i cut him off... 

"This is not one of you missions Captain... I am not one of your soldiers... Furthermore, you fucking scared the kid... for no reason i might ad as i was just helping him with his fucking homework..." I yell... 

"What is going on here...?" We hear and we both turn around to see Nat standing there... Before Steve can even answer i do... "Just the usual... Rogers being an ass for no reason other than the fact that he fucking hates me... Do us both a massive favor Rogers and just leave me the fuck alone..." I say and storm off to my room... 

I close the door behind me and sigh... I sink down against the door and start crying... There is a knock on the door but i ignore it... "Cleo?" I hear Nat say... "Not now Nat..." I say trying to sound as normal as possible... "I just want to be left alone..." I say standing up and wiping away my tears... "Okay... If you need me just let Jarvis, call for me..." She says and i sigh... "Okay..." I say and listen to her walk off...

I walk back to my bed get in and close my eyes... I am so done with his shit... I take a deep breath push him out of my mind and doze off... 

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