The Mall

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A/N: Thank you guys so much for 200 Reads. I'm shocked this fic has gotten to this point. Here's an extra long chapter as a thank you.


John POV

I open my eyes and I'm in the field, again. Surrounded by the barely living bodies of my classmates. Claire in front of me on her knees.



I wake up from my nightmare, looking over at my nightstand I realize it's 2 PM already. I look at my phone and see Sera calling me. "Hello." I answer with a shockingly raspy voice.

"Hey I need to make a trip to them mall today. Will you come with me?" Sera says.

"Ah, shopping? Sorry, but I'm kinda busy right now." I say, trying to get out of spending the entire day at the mall.

"Oh, really?" Sera responds.

"Yeah, my place is a mess It'll take all day to clean."

"If you'd just move into the dorms you wouldn't have to worry about cleaning your whole house." Sera retorts.

"Yeah, but then I'd have to deal with a roommate who'll probably just be scared of me." I reply.

"True. That's really too bad then." Sera responds.

"Yeah and--." I say before I hear the doorbell ring. "YOU'RE ALREADY OUTSIDE?" I yell out while walking over to open the door. As I open the door I give Sera a menacing glare.

"Aw, don't look at me like that. Come on, I'll help you clean." She says while looking at my already very clean house. "There. All done! Let's get going!" She says as she picks up my gloves from the floor moving them to the coffee table.

"Ugh, fine but don't take too long this time, alright?" I say before I start getting ready.

Sera POV

"HEY SERA! What do you think of this one? 'La Mè'. Has to be French or something right?" John says as he's holding up a pink shirt with a bunny on it.

"You're kidding, right? That says lame." I say as he goes to try it on.

"How's it look?" He asks as he walks out of the changing room wearing the shirt.

"Not bad." I say.

"Phew. Didn't expect that to go so smoothly." John says as we walk out of the store.

"See? The mall isn't that bad." I respond, hoping he'll be more willing to come to the mall more often.

"Lets not go that far-." He says before he gets cut off by someone bumping into him. Hey! Look an ability gauge. Wanna try it out?" He says while pointing at the ability gauge.

"No thanks, I heard those things are always a scam." I say hoping he won't continue on about it.

"Come on it's just for fun. Don't you want a prize." John says.

"Fine." I respond with a sigh.

A/N: I'm gonna skip the whole thing with the angry lady and just skip to them having their abilities read.

"Wow, an 8, it's been long time since I've encountered someone as strong as you young lady." He says while reading my ability. "Here you go a cute little bear for a cute little lady." He says while putting a teddy bear on the table.

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