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Arlo POV

I wake up in what looks like a hospital room, on a bed. I try to stand up, but immediately after II feel the need to throw up. I look around for something to throw up in. I find a garbage can and throw up inside. Once I'm done, I look around the room better. I notice Aunt Val, Remi and Seraphina all sitting down in the room. Remi and Seraphina being asleep.

Val looks at me and notices I'm awake. She quickly stands up and hugs me. "I was so worried about you... I shouldn't have let you go on the mission." She then cried softly into my hospital gown. After a few minutes she stops and let's go of me. "We're trying to figure out what they injected you with. The moment we do, we'll find a way to cure it."

After she says this, I notice Remi and Seraphina waking up. Remi quickly runs over and hugs me as well. I then hear her sniffle a bit. "I... I thought I'd lose you too. I don't know how I'd take it... not after... after John." She tightens the hug and lets out a few tears before I hug her back. 

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine, and we'll find John soon. I promise." I tell Remi. Once she let's go, I notice Seraphina with a sad look on her face. I turn to look at her. "We will find him. We have to." Aunt Val then turn to look out the window, with Seraphina glaring at her. I ignore her as I start thinking about all the progress I made, lost. There're then a few moments of silence.

"What are we gonna do now?" Seraphina asks.

"I don't know." I reply, knowing what she meant. 

Remi then speaks up. "What can we do?" We both look at her. "Everything we've done, gone. Completely gone." She then starts raising her voice, clearly in anger. "John is missing, Arlo lost his ability, and neither Kuyo nor Leilah have made any progress!" I look down at my hands, knowing she's right. There's nothing we can possibly do.

"Who's John?" Aunt Val asks, breaking the small silence.

I answer first. "John Doe, a close friend."

I then notice Aunt Val's eyes widen. "I need to make a call." She says as she exists the room quickly.

The three of us then turn to each other. "Now that she's gone, we can talk easier." I say, making sure she left the room.

"Do you guys think she works for Ember?" Seraphina asks.

"Why would you think that?" I reply with a bit of hostility.

"She had a surprise look when you mentioned John's last name and that he was a close friend. She looked like she knew something. Something she didn't want us to know.

I think she has something to do with John's kidnapping


This is a very short chapter, but I just wanted to release something, because Fuck Mondays. Anyway, thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed and have an abso-fucking-lutely fantastic day/night.

472 Words Excluding A/N

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