I Should've Made Him Stay

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Sera POV

It's been about 10 minutes since John left. I can't sleep and I have nothing to do. I've been thinking about knocking on Doc's door. I do need to talk to Leilah. 'Fuck it.'

I knock on the door and almost immediately Leilah opens the door. "I heard you walking past for the last 8 minutes." 

I just looked at her shocked. "Were you just waiting for me to knock?"

"Yes. I was sitting in the chair over there, waiting." She walks out of the room and into the living room. "What do you want to talk about?" She asks as she sits down around the kitchen table.

"I want to know what plans we have for the future. Taking down the Authorities." I respond sitting across from her.

"We should get Darren if we're gonna have this conversation. He'll want to know too." Leilah says as she stands up. She walks over to the door and after about 3 minutes I see her walk out with a very tired looking Doc.

"You're lucky I'm being bribed to be here." He says as he sits down next to Leilah.

"Now we can start. First, we have to get your ability back. I might be able to convince the Spectre higher ups to just give you your ability back, but if not, we'll have to either steal the machine that gives it to you or create a new drug that opens your aura channels. Once you have your ability back, we have to hope Arlo's gotten a high position in the Authorities. If he does, he can give us info on Ember, and we can slowly leak out information. Once people realize the truth, we attack the leaders of the Authority. These are some of the most powerful people to have ever lived, we can't take them out unless we use the dampeners. Even then it's a risk. Once we've taken down the Authorities, if Spectre becomes a problem, we can take them down too. They'll be easier to defeat, since their leaders aren't as strong."

Almost as soon as Leilah finishes talking, I see Kayden teleport in. Carrying a bloodied Kuyo.

"Kuyo?" I ask as soon as I see them.

"He needs help! He's bleeding out!" Kayden shouts at Doc.

Almost immediately Doc is up, getting what he needs to save Kuyo. While he's doing all this I blurt out, "Where's John?"

Kayden then answers. "I don't know. He wasn't there when I arrived. Your friends I helped last time were there. Isen, Remi and Blyke. They called me."

Quickly I grab my phone and call Remi. Luckily, she answers. "Seraph-"

"Remi, did you see John?!"

"Y-Yeah, b-but..." She trails off.

I look at my phone making sure it didn't disconnect. "Remi?!"

"I'll come to you. Just send me your location and we'll talk in person." She then hangs up.

'Something definitely happened. What could've happened? I should've stopped him.' Once all those thoughts run through my head, I send Remi my location.

Time Skip

Doc has now stabilized Kuyo. Kayden is still pacing around, worried about his current best friend and roommate almost dying. Remi, Isen and Blyke are almost here. 'What could've happened to him. Maybe he's dead? No. They wanted him alive. May-' My thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door.

Leilah walks to open it and sees the trio. Remi quickly runs to me and gives me a hug. I can hear her crying softly. "I'm so sorry, Seraphina."

I slightly pull away and look at her. "What happened?"

She looks at the floor as she answers. "E-Ember... took him. They took John."

Immediately I feel my knees buckle. I fall to the floor with tears in my eyes. I can faintly hear Leilah and Remi trying to comfort me, but there's only one thought going through my head.

I should've made him stay


Another short chapter, but I wanted to end this one here. I'll have another chapter out on Sunday. So, John captured by Ember. That's gonna last while, how long? I have no fucking idea. It won't be too long though. Anyway, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and have an abso-fucking-lutely fantastic day/night.

628 Words

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