The Final Decision

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3rd Person POV

Everyone's now still. John holding Orrin, with an ice blade up against his throat, Liam doing the same to William. Though Liam had a second blade ready to go through Williams back.

"Believe me John, I'd get your father dead on the ground before you can blink." Liam said has he forced the blade into Williams back a bit.

John looks at his father with eyes flickering between worry and non-expressive. Sera turns to Leilah. "I think his brainwashing is wearing off."

"Looks like it. Do you think we should try and stop Liam, or just let John do it on his own."

We should

*Vote Time*

Leilah and Sera Stop Liam

Leilah and Sera do nothing and let John handle it


So I couldn't decide on how I want this story to end, hence why I decided there will be a vote between two different endings. The one that is voted for will be the canonical ending and will also have a prologue written after it. I might also publish the second ending, but that one won't be getting a prologue and won't be canon. Anyway, thank you for reading, sorry for the short chapter, I hope you enjoyed and have an abso-fucking-lutely amazing day/night!

Happy Holidays!

103 Words Excluding A/N & Vote

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