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Sera POV

Sera: J-John... I love you.

John: I... I love you too, Sera.

I again open my mouth to say something but John crashes his lips into mine. This kiss feels more passionate than the other kisses. Unfortunately we're interrupted.

Doc: *cough* Are you two done making out in the infirmary?

Sera: No.

Doc: John, go sit down.

John: Why? I'm fine.

As he finishes saying that he collapses.

Doc: That's why. Your body has been running on adrenaline. You need a break, and I need an explanation.

I help John get to the only empty bed left. Once he's laying down, I start to walk away. Before I can he grabs my arm and pulls me onto the bed. We immediately start cuddling.

Doc: Fucking lovebirds.

Elaine: They've been waiting to do this for at least a year.

Remi: It took them way too long to finally do this.

Sera: We've cuddled before. Bu-.

Elaine: How did you two only now end up together?!

John: I thought all friends did that.

Remi: These two are idiots.

Doc: Can we focus up? You all need to explain a lot.

John: Fine. Where do we start?

Doc: Why are you all so injured?

Sera: I'm not injured

Elaine: Neither are me and Blyke.

Doc: Blyke's still exhausted, so are you. Either way Remi's arm is burned the other is cut to hell, Isen has a fucking hole through him, John looks like he's been through a war.

Doc starts making a tonic for John.

John: We were ambushed.

Doc: By who?

Remi: Ember.

Doc: Why would... Don't tell me... You kids aren't that stupid... But you are.

Remi: What do you think we did?

Doc: Oh, my God. You guys became vigilantes. *mumbles* Stupid fucking kids, gonna get themselves killed.

Remi: That's not the reason they ambushed us.

Elaine: Not the whole reason anyway.

Doc: Then what was?

John: I'm a target.

Keene POV

I suddenly feel five powerful people enter the campus.

Keene: Vaughn, we have company.

Vaughn: Anyone we should worry about?

Keene: There's five, and they're all powerful. I'd say at least 6.0.

Vaughn: If it's the authorities, they're after John.

Keene: I'll pass by the infirmary to warn him.

Vaughn: Make sure to be quick.

Keene: I will be.

John POV

Doc: A what?

John: They want me because of my ability. They said I'm one of three people who can manipulate auras so precisely. 

Doc: Why do you look like hammered shit?

John: Looks don't count for shit in the jungle. This is 'Nam baby!

Doc: What?

Take Two

Doc: Why do look like shit?

John: Yesterday, Remi, Isen and I went out as superhero's. Ember found us. They nearly killed me. Remi and Isen got away thanks to me distracting them. When I fought them there were only three. I barely got out alive. If it wasn't for Kuyo I would've died.

Remi: Kuyo?!

John: Yeah, he's the aura I felt following us. He helped me. The next morning, he brought me to the train station closest to Wellston. I walked here and eventually met up with them.

I gesture to the others in the room.

John: After they questioned me for a bit, we decided it'd be smart to relax at Woaba Boba. Yeah, big fucking mistake.

Doc: What happened there?

John: We were about to enter, when I felt an aura. This was one I'd felt before. Like the genius I am, I followed them into an alley. The others followed me too.

Doc: Then Ember attacked you?

John: No. Some random group did. They weren't strong, but they had some sort of ability dampener.

Doc: Is this the same group that took Seraphina's ability?

John: I'm pretty sure. Anyway, they tried to attack us, but we ran. Eventually an Ember agent appeared and stopped us. They told me to either go with them or die. The Ember agent jumped in front of us and I punched him out of the way. More of them kept popping up, so they gave me a few choices. Go with them and the others live, try to fight and the others die with me being captured, and we try running and other Ember agents kill all of us.

Doc: That's a terrible thing to choose between. What'd you do?

John: I fought four Ember agents as a distraction so the others could run. If it wasn't for Leilah and Neil, I would've probably died.

Sera: Wait?! Leilah?!

John: Ye-.

Suddenly Keene bursts through the door.

Keene: John!

John: Keene?

Keene: John, you need to go! Now!

John: What?! Why?!

The Authorities are here for you


For those wondering why there's some chapters missing, I just added them with the prologue. So everything between the Prologue and X-Static were moved into the Prologue. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and have an abso-fucking-lutely fantastic day/night.

709 Words Excluding A/N

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