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'John, where are you?'

John POV

The moment I arrive at school the day after Sera's disappearance I continue searching around the school for clues on where Seraphina might be, I get a message from Isen.

Rat: I have a lead

Me: Mete on hte rofo

Rat: K

I quickly run towards the roof. Once I arrive I see Isen with a girl, who has grayish white hair and lime colored eyes.

"Isen. What's the lead?" I say which causes both of them to turn to me.

"She said she saw some people carrying Seraphina away." Isen says as he points at the girl.

"What'd they look like?" I ask walking closer to her.

"T-There were four. One had long, straight yellow hair. Another had red hair in a bob cut. One had pink spiky hair. And the last one had messy yellow hair." She said a bit nervously.

"Thank you." I shouted as I started to run back downstairs looking for any of the people she described. After a few minutes of running I eventually run into a kid with spiky pink hair. I start to approach him while he's bullying another student. As he activates his ability I copy it and shoot him right through the arm.

"Agh!" He shouts as he turns around. The moment he sees me all the anger in his eyes turn to fear.

"J-John?! W-What are you doing here?" He asks very clearly at the edge of shitting himself.

"What do you know about Sera's disappearance?" I asked him calmly.

"W-What are you talking about?" He asks looking even more terrified.

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" I shouted slamming fist into the lockers, breaking them.

"S-She's at t-the h-house at t-the v-very end of 12 B-Batson Street, i-it has fencing a-and the garden's o-overgrown." He says stuttering the entire time. I punch him in the face which makes him go unconscious. Immediately after I message the other Royals and tell them where to go.

Sera POV

I wake up and I'm still wherever the hell I was brought to yesterday.

"W-What? I'm still here?" I ask myself. I then see Illena standing above me. She slaps before she speaks.

"Of course. Why do you think we would we let you go?" She says as she stands up straight.

"You would if you knew what was smart." I say as I try and get out of the rope again.

"Haven't you already tried that? You really think it-." Illena says before she's cut off by the door opening. I see John and the other Royals enter before everything starts fading to black.

John POV

"Sera!" I shout as I see her slip into unconsciousness. I quickly run over to her and untie her. As she starts falling I catch her. 

"Who's the one responsible for this?!" Arlo shouts as Elaine and I start healing Sera. All the mid tiers in the room look towards Illena.

"So, Illena, I'll be informing the headmaster about this little incident. All of you will face severe punishment for kidnapping and holding a fellow student in a dilapidated house for days." Arlo says as he starts walking towards me and Elaine. He then picks Sera up and looks at me.

"Don't take too long." He says as he activates his ability. I quickly copy his and turn to all the mid tiers, who are now completely terrified.

Time Skip

I come out of the house with some blood on my clothes and my knuckles bloody. I see the Isen, Blyke and Remi waiting.

"Where are Arlo, Elaine and Sera?" I ask as they look at the blood I have on my. They look at me with shocked and terrified expressions.

"They deserved it." I say in a much colder and more menacing voice.

"R-Right. W-Well, they went back to the school." Isen says somewhat terrified.

"We stayed so we could talk to you about our soon to be superhero adventures." Remi says as we start walking back towards the school.

"Anything specific?" I ask looking down at Remi.

"Superhero costumes, targets and names." She replies enthusiastically.

"So you're choosing to just allow me to go with you instead of the 1v3?" I ask looking down at Remi.

"Well, I thought about it and I realized you'd be very helpful out there." Remi says with a smile. I look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"She realized we have no chance against you." Blyke says bluntly.

"Blyke!" Remi shouts clearly annoyed. She then punches him in the shoulder.

"What? Its true." Blyke says as he laughs.

Time Skip

We arrive at the school and I start running towards the infirmary.

"SERA?!" I shout as I open the door.

"THIS IS A FUCKING INFIRMARY! KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!" Doc shouts at me as I burst through the door.

"Where's Sera?" I ask looking at him.

"She's in the back." He responds as he points his finger towards where she is. I walk over to where she is and look at her. She covered in bandages, bruises and has a cast on her right arm. She opens her mouth to speak, but I hug her tightly before she has a chance to speak.

I'm sorry.


I'm back. First i want to say, Thank you all so much for not only 2k reads but also 100 votes. Second, Got a new laptop so chapter are gonna be coming out at their normal rate again. This chapter was pretty short, but I gotta get back into the groove of writing. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed and have an abso-fucking-lutely fantastic day/night

896 Words Excluding A/N

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