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3rd Person POV

As John, Isen and Remi are heading back to Wellston they're stopped by an unknown figure on the roof of a building.

John: Who are you?

Brims: Won't matter.

The figure then activates their ability and dashes at the three of them.

John(thoughts): What the hell? I can't get a read on his ability.

Remi(thoughts): Flame claws. Stab wounds. Burns. EMBER!

The Ember agent dashes at the three of them. Remi and Isen barely dodge out of the way, while John stands his ground and tries to incapacitate the agent. The agent attempts to dodge John's punch but gets hit. They're sent directly into the adjacent building. The agent stands up and looks at the three students. He points at John.

Brims: John Doe. We've been tracking you for some time. You have two choices. Give up and join Ember or die.

John: How about neither.

John jumps onto the building and rushes towards the agent getting another punch ready. Before he can land the hit, he gets hit by another agent and gets sent back to the building Remi and Isen are on.

John(thoughts): There's another one?

Fury: And you thought you could handle this alone.

Brims: He's stronger than we initially believed.

Fury: We need to kill him before he decides to train his ability further.

John eventually recovers from the hit with the help of Remi.

Isen: We need to get out of here.

John: You two will never outrun them. They're much faster than either of you. You two go and I'll catch up with you.

Remi: If we leave now, you'll get killed. I... I can't let you stay here alone.

John: I'm not giving you a choice Pinky. Isen! Take her back to Wellston.

Isen: Got it!

Isen then grabs Remi and starts running back to Wellston.

Remi: No! Put me down! We have to help him!

Remi shocks Isen as he runs. He resists for as long as he can, but eventually he has to stop and drop her. Remi gets up and starts trying to run back. Before she can Isen grabs the sleeve of her hoodie.

Isen: We'll just slow him down! We have to get to Wellston!

While Isen is trying to convince Remi to go back to Wellston John is fighting against both the agents. Brims goes to attack him, but he dodges out of the way and gets a powerful kick in. The agent is sent towards a wall almost completely destroying it. As Fury goes to attack him, John gets ready to electrocute her.

John(thoughts): Just need to buy them time.

John gets ready to electrocute Fury but gets attacked by Brims. John is launched towards a building going straight through the wall.

With Remi and Isen

Remi: We have to go back for him!

Isen: If we do we die!

Remi: If we don't, HE dies!

Isen: He told me to get you ba-.

Isen's cut off by the sound of something crashing into a wall. And soon after a small explosion.

Remi: JOHN!

Remi runs towards John as Isen tries to keep up with her.

Remi and Isen arrive and see three Ember agents standing over John.

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