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(In case you need a reminder of John's costume)

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(In case you need a reminder of John's costume)

3rd Person POV

It's now nighttime and John is seen walking along the roofs of a town called Grasshill. He's here going after someone named Lennon. The report said he took control of the entire town. While walking he sees a kid walking along on the sidewalk. John goes up to him.

"Where are your parents?" He asks looking down at the kid.

"Woah! You look cool!" He shouts as John appears in front of him. "Are you going to help my dad fight the bad guy?" He asks.

"Yes, do you know where he is?" John asks.

"Yeah," The kid points in the direction or Lennon and the people he's fighting, "he's that wa-." The kid says before he's cut off by an older woman.

"OH MY GOSH! THERE YOU ARE BRENNET! I'VE BEEN SEARCHING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU!" The woman shouts as she approaches both John and the kid.

"M-Mom!" Brennet says, clearly surprised by his mother showing up.

"What are you doing out here?!" She questions.

"I want to watch dad fight the bad guy," He says, "he said he's going to help." Brennet says as he points to John. 

"There's no one there." Brennet's mom says. Brennet turns to see where John was and sees that he's no longer there. Having disappeared like a character that uses bats as a symbol (which can't be named due to legal reasons).



John POV

As I'm heading towards Lennon, I hear faint shouting. Immediately I start running towards it. Once I arrive, I see a guy that looks like Brennet taking charge of a group. He tells everyone to fire. Once they do, Lennon defends it and gets ready to counterattack, but before he can attack, I copy his ability and jump down in front of the group.

'His level's 5.3. He's boosted.'

I create my own disks and block the ones he used to attack.

"Who the hell are you?!" Lennon shouts clearly pissed.

I turn to look at the group of fighters. "Who the hell are you?!" One of them asks me.

"Just call me Joker. Get everyone out of here, I'll handle this guy." I say as I turn back around to face Lennon. Luckily, I can boost the amplifier making his ability about an 8.

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