Secrets Exposed

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Sera POV

As I read the paper my heart drops.

School Ace Powerless?

It has recently come to our attention that Wellston's Ace, Seraphina, seems to have lost her ability. A conversation was overheard in which Wellston's Joker, John, was talking to Seraphina about keeping this ability loss a secret. Whether or not the rumor is true has yet to have been proven.

Once I'm done reading I drop the paper.

"We need to find out either who said something, or who the writer of this paper is. Message the other Royals to meet us on the roof." John says as he looks around at the people staring at me. I grab my phone and send a message to all the Royals and Isen telling them to meet us on the roof.

"Alright, I told them. We should probably head over there now."  I say after I've composed myself.

"Then let's hurry up." John says as he grabs my hand and we start running towards the roof.

We get to the roof and after a few minutes all the Royals show up.

"Alright, someone start fucking talking!" John shouts, very clearly angry.

"W-What are t-talking about?" Isen asks completely terrified.

"He's talking about the paper. Someone found out and told Cecile. She published it and now the whole school knows that Seraphina is powerless." Arlo says, matter-of-factly.

"Did any of you guys say anything?" I ask looking at all of them.

"I didn't even know you lost your ability until now." Isen says.

"Wasn't me." Blyke says.

"I wouldn't tell anyone." Remi says.

"I have no reason to tell anyone." Arlo says as he looks through the fence.

"Then we go to Cecile and ask her about the paper." John says as he starts walking towards the door.

"John, you should calm down a bit before we go." I say as I step in front of him.

"I am perfectly calm." He says. He very clearly is not.

"John, if you talk to her like this, you'll do something you'll regret." I say still trying to stop him.

"Fine. I'll try to calm down a bit." John says as he walks towards the fence next to Arlo.

"Thank you. How about we go get some boba?" I say walking next to him.

"Sure. Let's go." John says. I grab his hand mostly to try and calm him down a bit. I look over at John as we walk and see that he's blushing a bit. I then let out a chuckle.

"What are you laughing about?" John asks looking confused.

"You're just really cute when you're blushing like that." I answer. I then see him blushing even more. I laugh even more.

"L-Let's just go." John says as he starts walking faster.

Time Skip

John POV

Once school is over I head towards the newspaper club room. I make sure Sera actually went to her dorm room, and that no one is sneaking up on me.

'I should be good.'

I enter the room and see Cecile looking through papers.

"Ah, John. To what do I owe this pleasure?" She says as she looks at me.

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