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John POV

As I wake up and look around I feel something on my chest. I look down and realize it's Sera still sleeping on my chest. I then look at the clock and realize what time it is.

"Sera, get up we're gonna be late to school!" I say, while shaking her gently.

"Mmm, 5 more minutes." She says half asleep.

"No, we have to get up." I say as I start getting up.

"Get up before I have to drag you out of bed." I say still shaking her.

"No don't get up, it's not gonna be as warm." She says after I stand up.

"You still need to get to your dorm and change." I tell her.

"Fine, I'll get up." She says finally getting up.

Once I've gotten ready I walk with Sera back to her dorm and wait outside while she gets ready.

"Alright let's go." She says as she walks out of her room.

Once we walk into our first period we here an announcement.

"Will Seraphina please head to the headmasters office, will Seraphina please head to the headmasters office. Thank You." It says.

"Why do I have to go again." Sera says once she's heard the announcement.

Time Skip

In class I feel my phone vibrate.

Sera💜: Meet me at the front gates.

Me: alr

As I walk to the front gates I see Sera has a small suitcase.

"What's the suitcase for?" I ask.

"I was suspended for two weeks and I don't want to go home for that time, so I packed a small suitcase and decided I'm gonna be staying at your place." She says while starting to walk in the direction of my house.

"Wait wait wait, you're suspended? Why?" I ask confused about this situation.

"My guess, UnOrdinary." She responds.

"But I didn't get suspended." I retort.

"Yeah but you had the book for much longer than I did, so I'd assume you wouldn't get the same punishment." She says still walking.

"Why my place?" I ask.

"Because I don't want to go with my parents for two weeks, and I have no where else to stay." She says, she also mutters something else but I'd didn't hear it.

"What was that last part?" I asked.

"N-nothing." She says frantically, with a small blush on her face.

"Ok then. Anyway, don't you need my key to go inside?" I ask as we continue to walk towards my house.

"You already gave me a spare, remember?" She says as I try to remember when I gave it to her.

"Alright then, you can just make yourself at home there. I gotta get back to class" I say walking back towards school.

After class I realize I still haven't talked to Remi. I walk around the halls looking for her. Eventually I find her just as the bell rings.

"Remi!" I shout as I walk over to her.

"Oh, hey John. Is there something you need?" She asks in her usual cheery tone.

"Can I talk to you, privately?" I say while looking at Blyke and Isen next to her.

"Uh, sure." She says as we walk towards the roof.

Once we're on the roof I make sure that Isen isn't spying on us.

"Alright, so, what did you want to talk about?" Remi asks.

"Remi, have you heard of a vigilante named X-Static?" I ask. After I ask I see her eyes widen and tears start forming.

"Uh, n-no w-why?" She asks while stuttering.

"Because he has the same powers as you. He was also killed recently just as you had to go home for a family emergency." I state while trying to sound empathetic. Once I look over at her I can see that she is near tears. I walk over to her and pull her into a hug.

"Hey, it's okay. If you don't want to talk about it you don't have to." I say as I hug her tighter. To my shock she hugs me back. Once she's stopped crying she tries speaking again.

"Sorry, I just...I haven't really had the chance to talk about it with anyone yet." She says while trying to hold back more tears.

"It's fine. Do you want to continue talking about this?" I ask her as I let go of the hug.

"Uh, sure." She responds still crying.

"So, I'm assuming X-Static was your brother." I say in a soft tone.

"Yeah, he was. He was killed by Ember as most vigilantes have been by this point." She says still holding back tears.

"You're not thinking of going after Ember are you." I say knowing she'd want some sore of revenge.

"N-no, why would I do that?" She says while stuttering and looking very nervous.

"Remi, if you go out there and try to find Ember there's a very high chance you won't make it out alive." I say while looking at her.

"If I were to go out there I wouldn't go alone. I'd bring Blyke and Isen." She says trying to sound confident.

"Are you sure that'll be enough? Ember clearly has enough strength to take out strong high tiers. What will you do if you three aren't enough to fight against Ember?" I ask trying to get her to not be a vigilante.

"It doesn't matter what you say John. You already know there's no changing my mind." She says fully confident in her choices.

"If you're really that sure about going out then I'm coming with you."


Sorry about not uploading yesterday I was very busy. Alright, so there's 2 pieces of good news and 1 piece of bad news.

First the good news. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ! Thank you guys so much for 700 reads! I'm genuinely shocked that this fic has gotten so many reads I know I say this basically every other chapter but thank you so much for reading this fic. I wouldn't being doing this without all you lovely people reading.

Now, to the bad news. I'm sorry but I'm gonna be busy for a while and won't be able to upload chapter for a while. There probably won't be a chapter for a month or so. I just have a lot of schoolwork to do, and I can't let continue stacking up. The next update for this fic will be March 12.

Now, the 2nd piece of good news is I will be starting another book once I come back from this small hiatus. It'll be an UnOrdinary one. If you want to know more about it, you'll just have to wait. I will be updating it every Friday. Thank you so much for reading this fic though. Have a wonderful day/night!


930 Words Excluding A/N

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