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Sera POV

I'm sleeping on the couch while John is in the bathroom changing into his costume. I have a bad feeling about this, especially after last time. He's already almost died twice on basically the same day. I can't lose him.

Eventually I hear the door open and I see John walk out in his full costume,  glowing eyes and everything. "Wow." I say as I look at how well hidden his face is. "The glowing eyes makes this costume so much better."

"Thanks. You really chose a great outfit." He replies.

Doc and Leilah then walk out of the room. "You said you wanted my ability, right?" Doc says.

"Yeah, it'll make interrogations easier." John says as Doc activates his ability. Immediately I feel a wave of fear. After a few seconds that feeling gets so much worse to the point I see Doc and Leilah both shaking in fear. As quickly as it came it disappeared. "Sorry. I just had to test how well it worked."

Immediately I punch his arm. "What the hell?!" He sees me shaking and I notice his glowing eyes looking down. He looks back up and pulls me into a hug.

John POV

Once I let go of the hug I take off my mask. "Sorry. I shouldn't have done it yet. I just wanted to see how well it'd work." I feel my phone vibrate. I look at the message.

Ponytail: 10 mins away

Me: Arl  

"He's on his way there. I'm gonna head out too." I then walk towards the window. Once I'm almost out I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see Sera standing there.

I open my mouth to speak before she gives me a very passionate kiss. Eventually we separate. "I love you, John." She says as I notice Leilah taking a picture.

"I love you too, Sera." I then jump out the window, put on my mask, and start heading towards Lovun.

Sera POV

I turn around and see Leilah with her phone.

I then shout at her. "Did you take a picture?!" 

She lets out a small laugh. "Don't you want to remember that? It'd be a great memory." I just watch as I see John running on top of buildings. "Worried?"

"Yeah. I just feel like something bad is gonna happen. I wish I could go out there with him." Leilah just looks at me as though she's deciding on what to say.

Eventually she speaks. "We're getting closer to being able to have a permanent solution. It's only for the assets that are the most loyal though. If I can get it for you, you'd have your ability back, but Spectre will try their hardest to hunt you, me and all your friends down. I'll let you consider it for now. You should talk to your friends about it." She then heads off to the bedroom with Doc. "Good night."

"Good night." I reply. 'I should talk to them about it. If they agree I'll ask Leilah to do it. If not, I can't force them into being on the run until we take down Spectre.'

Blyke POV

"Do you know where they said they'd go tonight?!" Remi asks with Isen next to her.

"John told me to only tell you if he sends a specific message." I reply as I slowly back up from her, slightly scared.

She then activates her ability as she approaches me slowly. "Blyke. You have two choices, either tell me, or I make you tell me. Which one will it be?"

 Time Skip

Currently Remi, Isen and I are on a train heading towards Lovun.

'John's gonna kill me.'

Isen then walks up me. "He probably won't... He'll kick your ass first."

"That makes it so much better!" I shout at him. 

"Calm down. We'll be fine. If he sees Remi, he'll understand why you told her..." He then trails off.

"Lovun is where Rei died, right?" I ask. Isen just nods in response. Soon after that we get off the train.

"Here we are. Lovun." Remi says as she looks around. Almost immediately after that I feel terrified beyond belief. It's like Doc's ability multiplied by a hundred.

Just as quick as it comes it disappears. All three of us just stand there shaking. Remi speaks first. "Did you guys feel that too?"

Isen and I both nod quickly in response. "D-Do you guys' t-think that was J-John." I ask.

"W-Who else c-could i-it have b-been?" Isen asks.

John is already scary enough, him having a more powerful version of Doc's ability is beyond terrifying. 

"W-What do y-you t-think he's d-doing?" Remi asks as she tries to stop shaking.

Isen asks. "T-This is s-supposed to b-be an interrogation, r-right?" 

"Yeah." I reply.

Suddenly we see a bright glowing black and green sword looking things flying into the sky. "That's d-definitely John."

"Let's go." Remi says as she activates her ability and starts running towards where we saw it.

We start running towards it across rooftops. As the three of us are about to jump onto another building, I feel the fear again. Immediately I freeze and stop moving. near the edge of the building. Soon after I see John in his cloak. Laying on the ground, next to Kuyo.


With blood all over them.

I then see the Ember agents walk over to John's body. I can see him trying to move. I try to move to help him, but for some reason I'm still frozen with fear. Then they knock him out and drag him into some sort of van, with Kuyo still lying on the ground. As the van drives away, the fear goes with it.

I see Remi jump down to Kuyo. She turns him onto his back and tries to wake him up. It doesn't work. We all stand around his body, unsure of what to do. Suddenly he moves a bit. I then see him opening his eyes slowly.

"He's alive!" Remi shouts as she notices his movements. "We have to get to Doc quickly." 

Kuyo drops his phone, which is unlocked and on a contact. Kayden. "That's the teleportation guy, right? We can ask for his help." I say.

We message him and walk towards an alley. Once we spot him we explain the situation.

Kayden POV

I quickly grab Kuyo and teleport him to Darrens apartment. I see Sera in the living room talking with Darren and Leilah.


1039 Words

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