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Happy Valentine's Day. I just published this part because I was bored.

Sera POV

"I-It's about my past, in New Boston." John says.

'I've never actually heard him talk about his past in New Boston.' I think to myself.

"What did Keon do that made you react like that just to seeing him?" I ask.

"I think I should start at the beginning." He says.

I'm gonna skip John's whole backstory as you should know it, and just skip to Sera's reaction.

John POV

Once I finish telling Sera about my past I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"I'd understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore. Who'd want to be friends with a monster?" I say after seeing the shock on Sera's face. As I'm about to speak again Sera quickly wraps her arms around me in a very tight hug.

"I can't believe you went through all that. How horrible that must've been. 3 months of torture. You're not a monster John, you're my best friend." She says while tightening her hug.

"John, thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this." Sera says, finally letting go.

Once she says that Doc walks.

"Looks like you're fine now. I'd recommend going to your dorm." He says while looking at Sera.

Once we leave the infirmary I start walking to my house expecting Sera to head to her dorm. I then see her walking next to me.

"Didn't Doc say you should go to your dorm?" I ask her.

"He did, but I'm not leaving your side tonight. Especially not after what you just told me. I still have a few questions. Come on we should walk faster" She says while walking faster.

'I am lucky to have a friend like you.' I think to myself as I match her pace.

Time Skip

Once we're inside my house I go make something to eat.

"Anything specific you'd like?" I ask as I loo in the fridge.

"I'm fine with whatever." Sera says.

"So, John, your dad wrote UnOrdinary after you got back from readjustment courses, right?" She asks as I'm grabbing food from the fridge.

"Uh, yeah." I respond.

"Sorry I had to destroy it. I didn't think they'd find out I got it from you. I have no idea how they figured it out, but I know that book meant a lot to you. She says while having a sad expression on her face.

"It's fine, I've already read it plenty of times. I think I should take a break from it." I say.

Once we're done eating Sera asks if we should watch a movie.

"Fine, but remember you have the bed this time. If you fall asleep again I will carry you to that bed. You aren't sleeping on this couch anytime soon." I say.

"But I had the bed last time." She says while pouting.

"Yes, but you made sleep in the bed with you and I did say that you would get the bed next time if I did." I say making sure there's no way for her to get out of it.

"Fine, I'll sleep on the bed." She says

"I'm gonna get you to sleep next me again though." She says under her breath, assuming I didn't hear it.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Nothing." She responds quickly with her face reddening.

"Yeah, sure whatever you say." I say sarcastically.

Once we finish watching the movie I notice Sera's sleeping. 'I knew she would try this again.' I thought to myself getting ready to carry her to the bed.

As I set her down on the bed she, again, reaches for my shirt.

"Stay. Please." She says with a very tired look in her face.

"I really shouldn't. You did this exact thing last time." I respond trying to have her let go of my shirt.

"You really should." She responds still sounding half asleep.

"You know what, fine." I say finally agreeing with her.

"Yay." She says in a very quiet tone. Once I've layed down next to her, she rests her head on my chest and mutters something, but i couldn't hear it.

Vaughn POV

As Keon was talking about a punishment for John and Seraphina we heard a thump at the door, but chose to ignore it.

"Anyway, headmaster, I insist that you suspend both John and Seraphina for a month." Keon says.

"What reason is there to do that." I respond.

"They read UnOrdinary and we have to be sure their ideals weren't affected by it." He says.

"Did they tell a single lie during the interrogation Miss Nadia?" I say.

"Uh, n-no." Nadia says.

"Good, so what reason is there to suspend them?" I ask

"They are two very powerful and influential students, and if we don't deal with them appropriately they might become vigilantes." Keon says in a very assertive tone.

"Keon, John has had the book since before it was released to the public, if he wanted to share the book with anyone he's already done it." I say while taking a sip from my tea.

"But what about Seraphina. She hasn't had the book for as long and there's still the chance she spreads the ideals whether she agrees with them or not." Keon says.

"Fine, we'll suspend Seraphina for two weeks, but no longer. If that's all then you can both leave now." I say, waving my hands towards the door.

Once they finally leave I call Keene in.

"You wanted to see me sir." Keene says as he walks in.

"I need you to make sure there aren't any spies around campus, and if there is bring them to me for questioning. I don't want the authorities meddling in my business." I say.


Thank you guys so much for 400 reads. I'm not only shocked it's gotten this many reads but it's gotten all these reads so quickly. Thank you all so much for reading this fic.


943 Words Excluding A/N

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