Attack Pt. 2

456 14 27

John POV

11:04 AM

I look around and notice my range increasing.

'The dampener wore off.'

I look at the agent.

'If there's four agents we won't be able to fight them off.'

I look back at the others. Sera looking at me hoping I won't go with them.

'I can't risk them getting killed.'

John: How about a fourth choice?

I run and attack the Ember agent. Thanks to my superior speed I hit her and send her flying into a passing car. I turn around to look at the others, but I see them fighting off three Ember agents. Fury, Brims and Lumin. 

'They won't be able to fight them all off.'

I rush into the fight. I copy Remi's, Elaine's and Blyke's abilities. I shoot 3 homing beams at each agent. The try to avoid them but each beam hits their target. I turn to Blyke, Elaine, Remi, Isen and Sera. I see Isen and Remi heavily injured. A wound going through his body with lots of blood pouring out. Remi's whole left arm burned with lot of cuts on her right arm. Luckily the beams made the Ember agents disappear for a bit, but I know they're just regrouping to go with a full on assault.

John: You guys need to get out of here! Blyke, grab Isen. Elaine, heal Isen first, make sure he doesn't bleed out. Sera help Remi walk.

Elaine: Where do we go?

Blyke: We have to go to the hospital!

John: No! The hospitals are controlled by the authorities. We don't trust them. Sera, grab my phone, call doc, and go to Wellston. Tell Vaughn about this.

Sera: What are you gonna do?

John: I'll make sure you guys get out of here alive.

Sera: If you stay here, you could die. I already thought I lost you once. I-I c-can't go through that again.

John: If I don't fight them off, you guys won't be able to escape them.

Sera: Pl-

Before she can finish the sentence, I kiss her. It's a very passionate kiss with both of us leaning into it, deepening the kiss. After about a minute we separate both gasping for air. I start seeing the Ember agents approaching us from the right part of the alley.

John: You need to get out of here. Blyke, get everyone out of here.

Blyke nods his head. He picks up Isen and Sera.

Sera: Blyke, put me down! No!

Blyke: I'm sorry, Sera.

Elaine and Blyke run off towards Wellston. I faintly hear Sera shouting out for my name. I then see three of the Ember agents running after them. Before they can catch up I shoot to electrically charged homing beams at them. The again try to dodge them but can't. They're hit and are immobilized for a bit. Before I can go after them Volcan attacks me.

Volcan: I can finally fight the famed John Doe.

John: What's so famous about me?

Volcan: You, your mother and your uncle are the only people with abilities to copy, steal and change abilities. Predictions say, you're gonna become one of the strongest god tiers every recorded. Up until this point we haven't been able to touch you thanks to a deal made with your mother, but now...

John: My mother? What did you do to her?

Volcan: She escaped the facility. Now, you and your father are fair game.

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