Looking Up

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Sera POV

It's now after school and we really need a name to call this group. (If you can think of a name comment it plz) Remi, Isen, Blyke, Evie, Dylan and I are in Blyke and... I guess it's just Blyke's dorm now. Eventually we hear a knock on the door. Blyke opens it and sees Arlo.

The moment he walks in he looks around. "John's not coming?"

"He can't risk being seen by the Authorities." Blyke says. "They still want to capture him."

After a few seconds of silence, I speak up. "Great, now we can start. You three," I gesture to Arlo, Dylan and Evie, "Are here because we need your help." Evie then raises her hand. "You don't need to raise your hand, Evie."

"O-Oh, sorry." I just nod my head as she continues. "What exactly do you need help with?"

Remi quickly speaks up. "Ember and the Authorities are connected, and John is being hunted down by Ember. We need to take reveal that Ember and the Authorities are connected. We're gonna take down the Authorities."

Arlo then clears his throat. "Why exactly is Ember after John?"

"He's a priority target. One of three." I say before Isen speaks up.

"Him and his family are basically very wanted criminals in the eyes of the Authorities."

"Seeing as this entire meeting was to answer questions you guys should ask some." I say as I look at Arlo, Dylan and Evie.

Dylan immediately asks. "Why do you need us? We're just low tiers."

Remi quickly responds. "We need all the help we can get."

Evie then turns to me. "What's the relationship between you and John now?"

I quickly turn red and then shout out, "Why is everyone so interested in that?!"

Remi speaks up. "Because you two clearly like each other!"

"We haven't talked about it. We haven't exactly had the chance to, but I am visiting him tomorrow. Hopefully with I'll go with good news and return with it too."

John POV

Leilah, Doc and I are in Doc's house waiting for Kuyo to come by.

"You sure you can trust him?" Leilah asks.

"Well, he did basically save my life, so I feel like I can." I respond as we hear a knock on the door.

Doc goes to open it. He sees Kuyo. "Kuyo."

"Doc! You're helping John?"


I then throw my hands in the air. "Such a nice guy, am I right?"

Leilah just snickers as she walks up to Kuyo. and holds her hand out for a handshake. "Thank you for saving my sisters future husband."

"What is it with everyone's obsession with mine and Sera's relationship?!"

"You two clearly like each other. Everyone knows it."

Doc then speaks up. "They were practically making out in the infirmary."

"Awwwww. You guys are finally together." Leilah says as she wipes a nonexistent tear off her face.

"W-Well, we haven't really talked about that." I say before mumbling. "I hope we do though."

Doc then clears his throat. "Anyway, back to why we're here."

"Right. Kuyo, I'm assuming you have info on Ember."

Kuyo turns to me as he speaks. "There's a meeting tomorrow night. Brims is meeting someone in L-Lovun."

"Lovun? That's where Rei died, right?"

Kuyo looks down at the floor. "Yeah."

Then there's a few seconds of awkward silence before Doc speaks. "Well, that conversation took a very quick turn." Leilah then smacks him in the back of the head.

"Not the time Darren."

I turn to look at Kuyo. "When should we head out?"

"Around 10." He starts walking towards the door. "I'll head out now, thank you for heaving me over." I walk with him towards the door. "Make sure you aren't followed." I nod as he leaves.

Time Skip

Today's the day. Sera's visiting. I'm both excited and nervous. There's only two main things to talk about. There's all the shit with The Authorities and our... relationship.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. I walk over to open it. Immediately as I do I'm enveloped in a bone crushing hug.

"I'm very happy to see you too Sera." I then start hugging her back. "Though it'd be nice if I could breath."

She then let's go of the hug. "Sorry. I was just worried... I thought that maybe I wouldn't see you again."

"Thankfully you were wrong there."

Sera starts to look around before asking. "Where are Doc and Leilah?"

"They went out for a bit. Said they'll be back in like half an hour." After a few seconds of silence we both at the same time realize something. "They definitely planned this."

"Absolutely... but since we're already here." She turns her head to look up at me. "What exactly are we now?"

I let out a small chuckle. "I was gonna ask you that."

She slowly starts walking to me and puts her hand on my chest. "What do you want to be?"

We both start leaning closer towards each other, with Sera going on her tippy toes. We close our eyes and, "We're back!" 

Sera and I immediately separate as she shouts. "COME ON!"

Leilah looks at the both of us with blushes on our face. She then has her hand out towards Doc, who pulls out his wallet and hands her a 20.

"You two bet on us?!"

Leilah lets out a chuckle. "I bet 20$ Darren and I would stop you two from kissing."

Doc just lets out an annoyed huff before he speaks." There's a lot we need to talk about."

Small Time Skip

We're all sitting at the table. I turn to Sera. "Were you able to convince anyone to help us?"

"Arlo, Evie and Dylan."

Doc then looks at her with a shocked face. "Arlo?"

"He just wants proof that Ember and The Authorities are connected." 

I then speak up.  "We can get that later tonight."

Sera looks at me with worried eyes. "Tonight? You're not going out again are you?"

"I- Yes." She quickly opens her mouth to say something. "But, I won't be going alone. The guy who saved my life the first time we went out is coming with."

Sera looks at me with eyes full of worry. "Just stay safe. Please."

"I will.  It's a simple meeting. Two agents at most."

Leilah then speaks up. "I was able to convince the Spectre executives to help us. Seeing as fixing the hierarchy was our original goal this makes things easier. They just want John to help with a few missions."

I think about all the new information. Arlo, Dylan and Evie are helping, Spectre is also going to be helping and I have to go with Kuyo later to possibly gather more information. Things are looking up (that's the title of the chapter). 

What can go wrong

1076 Words

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