On The Run

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John POV

Keene: The Authorities are here for you!

Immediately after he says that I run out of the room. I head straight for my dorm. Once I'm in I grab the closest backpack and start packing a lot of clothes. I hear the door to the dorm room open and immediately activate my ability. I turn to look at who it is and see Doc and Sera.

John: What are you two doing here?!

Doc: You have nowhere to go. You can stay at my place until we figure something out.

John: T-Thank you, Doc.

Sera quickly hugs me tightly.

Sera: I'm gonna visit on weekends. Just make sure to stay safe. Please.

John: I will.

She lets go and I grab my bag.

Doc: We're gonna have to move quickly. If they see either of us, we're done.

I nod and follow Doc. Once we're near the exit I look back at the school

'I'm gonna miss this place.'

We then get in Doc's car and start driving off.

3rd Person POV

Keene brings in the five visitors. Although he worked for the Authorities Vaughn only recognizes one.

Vaughn: Valerie.

Valerie: Victor, or do you go by Vaughn now?

Vaughn: I go by Vaughn.

Valerie: I can assume you know why we're here.

Vaughn: I don't. Would you like to inform me?

Byron: We're here to speak to a student.

Vaughn: Do you have a warrant?

One of the agents pulls out a piece of paper. Vaughn inspects it.

Vaughn: You can head to his dorm room. If he's not there, then his roommate might know where he is.

Valerie: Thank you for your cooperation, Vaughn.

Vaughn just lets out a sigh as all five leave the room.

Remi POV

Remi: Do you think he'll be okay?

Elaine: This is John we're talking about. He's almost died twice and lived. He'll be fine.

Blyke: Yeah, but that was Ember. These are the Authorities.

Remi: They're the same thing. Ember is just a different branch.

Blyke: Yeah, but-.

Before Blyke can finish his sentence we hear Isen coughing.

Blyke: Isen!

Blyke immediately rushes to him.

Isen: W-Who are you?

Blyke: W-What? What do you mean?

Blyke has a frightened expression as Isen looks around confusingly.

Isen: Who are you? Where am I? Who am I? What am I?

Blyke then smacks Isen in the head.

Blyke: What the fuck man?! You scared the shit out of me!

Isen then starts laughing.

Isen: You should've seen the look on your face.

I then run over to Isen as well and hug him.

Remi: I'm glad you're okay.

Isen: What happened after I passed out?

Blyke: So much shit.

John POV

Currently I'm inside Doc's house.

Doc: I'm calling Leilah over.

John: You know Leilah?

I then notice Doc blushing.

John: Holy shit! You two are dating!

Doc: Maybe not for much longer.

John: What?

Doc: She offered me job with her company. I was gonna take it, but now I've learned that she works with some sort of organization. She lied to me about something pretty fucking important, so I either get a good explanation or we're done.

John: I'm not gonna involve myself with that. 

Doc: Well, she's coming over. Hopefully she can explain things, to both us.

John: I'm gonna be here for a while.

Doc: You know the Authorities won't stop looking for you. You have two basic choices on how to lose them.

John: Which are?

Doc: You either turn yourself in, or

We overthrow the Authorities.

529 Words

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