What Happened (Very Short)

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John POV


That's all I saw. Kuyo covered in blood lying on the ground next to me.

'Is he alive?' I thought as I stared at his motionless body. 

I then see Brims walking towards Kuyo. He kicks his body. "You thought this would work? We knew you were coming, and now, we have the ultimate weapon. You superheroes can't stop us." 

I tried to stand up, fight back, move. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't. I didn't have the strength to move. I then noticed Brims, Volcan, Pyre, Lumin and Fury walking towards me. Fury spoke first, looking at the other agents. "Look at him. Still trying to get up." She kneels down in front of me. "You are going to come in real handy. Imagine how many vigilantes you'll be able to kill. You might even have more kills than Volcan." I reach my hand out towards her. She backs up a bit. "Whoops. Looks like you missed." She then lets out a laugh.

Fury goes to kick me, but Volcan stops her. "Stop. We still need to take him. Knock him out and let's go."

"What about him?" Brims asks. "We've had plenty of encounters with him. We know exactly how persistent he is."

Volcan then thinks about it. "Leave him. If he dies here, he dies. If he lives, he can talk to their friends about trying to get John back. It'll be the perfect way to test how powerful he truly is."

Pyre then speaks up. "Having him fight his friends could be entertaining."

"Yes, now let's go." I then feel someone hit me before everything fades to black.


This is a very short chapter, but this is just a aftermath chapter. How did things get to this point? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and have an abso-fucking-lutely fantastic day/night

270 Words Excluding A/N

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