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Sera POV

Currently Blyke, Remi, Elaine and I are following Kayden, while Blyke carries Isen.

Elaine: Are you sure you don't need help, Blyke?

Blyke: One, you need to recover from healing him so much. Two, I don't think you'd be able to lift him.

Kayden: We're almost there.

Sera: Why are we being so stealthy?

Kayden: The Ember agents that attacked you are still out there. My job is to get you to Wellston safely. If it takes a while, then it takes a while.

Blyke: We should probably still move a little faster.

I open my mouth to say something, but Kayden speaks up again.

Kayden: We're here.

I look around and see a secret entrance to the campus.

Sera: I didn't know this was here.

Kayden: A friend that used to go here told me about a secret entrance he used to sneak out after curfew. 

Blyke: How convenient.

Kayden: Hurry up.

We all go through and end up behind the boys dormitories.

Kayden: Seraphina.

I turn around and look at him.

Kayden: Here.

He gives me a piece of paper with numbers.

Sera: What is it?

Kayden: Leilah's number. She wants to get in contact with you.

Sera: Tell her I'll think about it.

He nods and then activates his ability. He quickly disappears. I turn around and look at the others.

Blyke: We need to drop Remi and Isen with Doc.

Elaine: Can't wait to get questioned and scolded.

Remi: We're gonna have to tell him the truth, aren't we?

Sera: Probably.

As we walk to the infirmary I look down at the ground with a frown.

Blyke: Still worried about John?

Sera: Of course!

Remi: I hope he's fine.

Blyke: If he was able to fight off three Ember agents, alone, and live, I think he'll be fine handling four with help.

Sera: I-I think I'm gonna tell him.

Elaine: Tell him what?

Sera: How I feel about him...my feelings towards him.


Remi jumps and puts her arms in the air.


She puts her arms down in pain.

Remi: Painful, but worth it. Hopefully this time words are actually exchanged instead of just spit.

I blush as we open the door to the infirmary. We see Doc, with his coat. He sees us.

Doc: What the hell happened?!

John POV

John: How do I know you won't attack me?

Neil: Because I had every chance to since you walked in.

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