1 Week

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3rd Person POV

It's been a week since John was captured by Ember. The group has been struggling. Everyone's taken John's disappearance hard.

Elaine chose to just leave the group. She'd help with healing, but until John was found she wouldn't be there to help much.

Sera hasn't been able to function properly. Remi's been trying to comfort her, but it hasn't worked very well. Both felt the pain of losing someone they loved. Remi another brother and Sera her love.

Kuyo blames himself. He's been trying nonstop to find John. Blyke and Isen have tried helping, but they haven't found anything. 

Arlo's been talking to his aunt more, trying to get a promotion. He's the only one who's made good progress.

Evie and Dylan have been trying to get into Spectre. It's a risky move, but if it works, they might be able to help Leilah.

Leilah's been struggling to find a cure for the ability disabling drug, but she's been able to leak small amounts of info on Spectre. There's enough for the public and the Authorities to have publicly declared them a terrorist organization. It's not much progress, but anything helps at this point.

John... he's been struggling... more than anyone else. His sanity is barely intact, delusions have become a near daily occurrence. He hasn't slept in a few days and he's losing the energy to do anything.

John POV

I don't know how long I've been here. All I know is He hasn't showed up yet. I've stopped eating most of the food they've brought. I haven't slept for the last five times they've brought food. I know eventually He will show up. I keep seeing him. He appears but they're always hallucinations. I-

Suddenly the door opens. I don't bother to look at who came in, but I hear a voice. "H̴̰͋ò̴̟̘ŵ̷̥͕͘ ̵̢̼̒̕a̸̱̖̿r̷͉͆̄ͅè̶̲͜ ̷̜͆ẙ̴̫o̶̪̎̋u̷͎̩̽͘ ̵̝̓d̷̓̒͜o̷̻͂͋i̴͖̯̍n̵̩͐g̷̼̟̊́,̴̲̖͐̍ ̴̳̼̐̂J̴͍͋ơ̷̘̈́h̶̩̤̊̽n̷̲̤̅?̶̥̺͌"

No. No. No! NO! It's not him. It's not really him. He's not here. Not yet. I hear his footsteps walking towards me.

"T̶͓̃̄ǘ̷̞ȑ̸͍͗n̴͍̈́ ̴̭̹̀̕ḁ̵̭͆̊ȑ̴̤̤o̷̥̮͋̃ȗ̷͈̿͜ǹ̵̡ḏ̶̣̚ ̶̝̣̀J̶̘̜̏o̷͇͋ḫ̶͛n̸̢̺̿͊." He said walking towards me. I felt his hand go on my shoulder. I turn around and see him standing above me. Immediately I shut my eyes. 'He can't be here. He can't.' "I̶t̸'̶s̶ ̸b̵e̴e̸n̶ ̵a̶ ̸w̸h̵i̴l̷e̴." 'He's not real. It's not him.' "They say you can become the perfect weapon, but before that, you can't have you're conscious stopping you from killing. I'm here exactly for that reason. Though this might be easier with a different ability, mine is still a good one for what they want to happen."

"P-Please, l-leave me alone." I say trying to get rid of him. I knew this was in vain, but I wanted to at least try.

"This'll be much easier if you cooperate. Stand up and follow me or be dragged out of the room by your neck. Your choice." Keon says as he walks out of the room, standing outside the doorway with the door open.

I don't try to stand up. I don't think I have the strength to do that anymore. After a few minutes I hear Keon let out a scoff. He then says something into a walkie. I hear loud and quick footsteps headed towards the room. As they get louder, I get ready to fight back. Once they stop, I see three people standing in front of Keon. They're about the same size as me, but they have actually energy. Before I can even react two grab my arms and the other grabs me by my neck and start dragging me out of the room and all I can do is scream.

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