The Start

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John POV

'Ugh... This class sucks.' I thought while the teacher was talking something math related.

"Can anyone come up to prove this law." I heard the teacher said. I chose to raise my hand. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked while the teacher glared at me. "Go ahead." He eventually said with a terrifying glare.

Right as I almost approach the bathroom someone flies through the wall right in front of me. I look at who it is and who hit him through the wall. I notice it's Blyke and can already guess who punched him. Isen.

"Hey, Blyke you okay?" I asked. "Ouch, damn you Isen." Blyke says ignoring me.

"You idiot, i lend you pen for one class and you go and break it." Isen says also ignoring me standing there. "Yeah, but you didn't have to hit me so hard. That freaking hurt." Blyke yells out as he's charging a beam.

"BLYKE." I yell out finally getting his attention. "If you two are going to fight then take it outside before you blow up Wallik Hall." I say in a serious tone.

"Ah, John sorry about that don't worry we'll deal with this outside." He says. 'Dammit the door to the bathroom is too damaged to open, guess I'll just use a different one.' I thought.

On my way to a different bathroom I see a mid tier bullying a low tier. "Come on do that thing again." I hear the mid tier say. "No... l- leave me alone!" Says the low tier right before he was punched in the face.

"Let him go" I say. "Huh? Oh, John, why should I? I've heard rumors of how powerful you are, but how accurate could they possibly be? If you leave now then maybe I'll let you g-" he says before I punch him hard enough for him to fall back.

"Believe me, you don't want this fight." I tell him before continuing walking. I then sense his aura as he activates his ability. He rushes towards me but before he reaches me I activate my ability and throw him out the window.

After that wonderful encounter I choose to just skip the rest of my classes and head to the roof. "Hey." I hear Sera say. "Hey." I reply. Right as I'm about to continue walking to her we hear a small explosion behind her. We look at it and realize it's just Blyke and Isen fighting.

We sit down and play Flappy Pig for a while before I ask Sera if she wants to go get drinks. "Sure, but you're paying this time." She says.

"Fine, I'll pay it is the gentlemanly thing to do on a date." I say. "It's not a date." She says while blushing. "Whatever you say." I respond with a smirk.

While drinking boba and laughing about Sera's reaction to my statement earlier, we hear news of a vigilante named X-Static being killed.

"In an alley near the intersection of Rokel and Acres street investigators have found the body a vigilante that went by the name of X-Static. While no personal information was given they did find the same brand left on the corpse as well as the same burns and stab wounds that have become synonymous with Ember." Said the news anchor.

"And yet another self proclaimed superhero falls victim to the consequences of everyday society. People need to learn to mind their own business, especially if they don't have the strength to back it up." Sera said.

"But he was trying to keep us safe." I respond. "Do you feel safer, now that he's dead?" Sera responds. I chose to ignore that and once we finish our drinks she heads to the her dorm and I head home.

While walking home I think about X-Static and how he has the same power as Remi. 'I should ask her about that on Monday.' I think to myself. I clean my house, so I won't have to this weekend, and it's damn near shiny. 'For now I'll just eat, take a shower than head to bed.' I think to myself.

'I can't believe it's already been a year since I transferred to Wellston. I didn't realize how close Sera and I had gotten until I said I would pay for our 'date'. Maybe one day in the future we might go on a real date. No. I shouldn't think like that. Eventually I should tell her about my past, about New Boston. I just don't want her to leave, to think of me as a m̶͕͓̏͒ŏ̶̰͉͠n̸͍͉̑̎s̶̱̿͝ͅt̷̞͖́̊e̷̼̩̍̕r̴̰̘̀͠. I should at least try and get some sleep, and hope there's no nightmares today.' I thought to myself.

A/N: I know the picture there shows him with gel in his hair, he doesn't actually gel in this hair. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this part.


784 Words Excluding A/N

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