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John POV

Remi, Blyke, Isen, Sera and I are now in mine and Blyke's dorm room. Remi and I are about to head out while Blyke and Isen are looking up targets.

"How about this guy?" Isen says as he pulls up a criminal record.

"How about this guy?" Isen says as he pulls up a criminal record

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"Seems a little weak." I say as I look at his level.

"Well we should at least be somewhat careful. This is your first time going out. Try getting the hang of it before you start going after strong people." Sera says.

"Come on! He's barely a mid tier! I can handle him with my fucking eyes closed!" I exclaim. Sera then walks up to me, and to my shock she hugs me.

"I know you can handle this easily, but I don't want to see you get hurt." She said with her eyes watery. I hug back tightly before I speak.

"Fine. If it'll make you feel better, we'll take this guy out first." I say as we both let go of the hug. I look over and see Blyke and Isen smirking.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"So, John, when you gonna ask Sera out?" Blyke asks, very loudly. Immediately I start blushing then look over at Sera who's also blushing.

'Two can play at that game.'

"Whenever you ask Remi out." I respond with a smug grin. Blyke and Remi start blushing as Isen and I are laughing at them.

"Let's just change into our costumes so we can go." Remi says as she walks into the bathroom with her costume. I then grab mine and walk into my room. Once I've changed I walk out.

"Looking badass!" Isen says as he sees me.

"Really badass." Blyke adds. Then Remi walks out.

"You look like a sick little kid." Isen says. I just start laughing at Remi.

"I think I should've thought this costume through." Remi says as she looks at it.

"Yeah, it's pretty terrible." Blyke says as Isen finally stops laughing.

"Come on. We shouldn't waste any time." I say as I start walking towards the window. Remi starts following me towards it.

"Wait." Sera says as she walks towards me as I'm about to jump out of it. She takes off my hood and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good luck." She says with a blush on her face. She puts my hood back on and I jump out the window. Remi and Isen jump soon after.

"So... you and Seraphina?" She says as we all start running towards Branish.

"Ha. I wish." I say as we start speeding up.

"I was right! Isen, you me 10$ now." Remi says as we start jumping onto rooftops. Isen just responds with an annoyed huff.

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