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John POV

"SERA!" I shout as I run back to my room. Once I'm there I see a guy holding Sera's unconscious body about to jump out the window.

"Don't you dare take another step!" I say as I try to activate my barrier.

'Damn it! What's happening?! My barrier didn't work!'

I jump out the window and follow the guy. I try to activate my barrier again, but it doesn't work. Right as the guy is about to make it to the van a laser hits him in the leg, and he collapses. Immediately after we're in a barrier and he has a knife to Sera's neck while on the ground.

"STAY BACK! ONE WRONG MOVE AND I KILL HER!" The man shouts as he slightly cuts Sera's neck.

"Deactivate your ability and tell your friend to take down his barrier." He says as he looks at me. I look around and see Remi approaching the van with her ability active. I then deactivate my ability and turn to Arlo. Instead of saying anything I wink and re-activate my ability. I turn back to the guy.

"You won't kill her. We both know if you do you aren't leaving alive." I say as I copy Remi's ability. I look at Remi and nod my head. Arlo deactivates his barrier and Remi electrocutes the guy holding Sera. I run up to him and grab the knife.

"You're dead." I say as I punch with lightning surrounding my fist. He's now unconscious and Remi and I enter the van. We take the guy out and see a timer in the front.

'2 minutes left. I wonder what this is for.'

We take the guys and Sera inside. I leave Sera in my room and tie up the randoms. After the two minutes have passed I feel my ability return.

"Hey. Do you guys feel your abilities stronger now?" I ask looking at all the Royals.

"Yeah, it feels like I'm back to full power now." Blyke says as he activates his ability.

"So that timer must've been for some kind of dampening effect." I say as I look over at Sera.

"That would explain how they got her." Arlo says as he stands up from the chair he was sitting in.

"We need to tell the authorities about this." Blyke says as he walks up to me.

"No. We'll talk to Doc and Vaughn in the morning, but no authorities." I say as I stand up.

"But they can hel-." Arlo says before I cut him off.

"I said no. If you want, you can challenge my authority." I say as I activate my ability.

"Fine. We'll talk to Vaughn. For now we should get some sleep. I doubt they'd attack again." Arlo says as he goes back to sitting down. I take Sera to my room and lay her in my bed.

"You guys can choose how you sleep." I shout from my room. I sit down next to Sera hoping she wakes up soon. After a few hours I start feeling tired and sit down next to her.

'Please wake up. I need you.'

I then fall asleep next to Sera.

Sera POV

I wake up and look around.  I see John sleeping next to me.

'I have a splitting headache. How did I end up here?'

I then remember everything that happened. I feel like throwing up. I quickly get out of the bed, which wakes John, and run to the bathroom. I start throwing up in the toilet. John then walks to me and rubs circles on my back as he holds my hair back as I continue to throw up.

"S...r...? Sera! Hey! What's wrong? You haven't said a word yet, and you're acting really strange! Talk to me." John says I quickly stand up and try to activate my ability. I can't activate it.

'I have to check it with John's clock.'

"Hold on. I want to check something first." I say as I run back to John's room and grab the digital clock. I try my hardest to activate my ability. After a few seconds I see it go from 7:14 to 7:15 and I fall to my knees.

"I can't.... I can't activate my ability!" I say as I fall onto my knees.

"What?!" John says surprised.

"This whole time I've been trying, and nothing! H-How did this happen? W-What did they do to me. Why? What am I supposed to do?!" I say as I start panicking.

"Hang on a minute. Let's not jump to conclusions yet. You were injected with something then were passed out for nearly a day. The drug is probably still in your system. We should talk to Vaughn and Doc about this and hopefully they'll know what to do." John says as The Royals walk in.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask looking at them.

"John called us once he saw you here injured and bleeding." Remi says as she walks closer to me.

"I'm shocked Arlo would come along too." I say as I'm glaring at him.

"Nice to see you too.  I only came because John said you were bleeding and unconscious. In all the time I've known you, you've never even been injured. We need to find out who the people are who did this." Arlo says looking down at me as I try to stand up.

"It's a good thing that they didn't escape then." Blyke says as he walks towards the living room.

"We should take them to Vaughn now, and talk to Doc about the drug that might be in your system." John says as he helps me stand up.

"We should also take those two to Vaughn. He might be able to get something out of them." Arlo says as he points to something in the hallway. I then see one of them moving a bit.

"HEY! Deactivate your ability now!" John shouts as he goes to one of the people in the hallway. I walk out and see one of their eyes glowing. John then punches him in the face and he falls into unconsciousness.

"Let's take them right now, before they wake up again." John says as he picks one up.

Time Skip

3rd Person POV

John and Sera head to Doc while The Royals head to headmaster Vaughn, with the intruders.

"If this is like a normal drug it should leave your system by Wednesday. If your ability hasn't returned by then, come see me." Doc says as John and Sera leave his office.

"Alright, thanks Doc." John says as they leave his office. They then start heading towards Sera's dorm room.

"You're gonna need to be careful. If anyone else finds out they're gonna target you. If anyone finds out and targets you, tell me. Ok?" John says getting more serious the more he speaks.

"No one's going to find out." Sera respond with a chuckle. John then grabs her hands, to stop her from walking, and turns to her.

"Sera, I'm serious. If anyone, anyone at all, finds out, you need to tell me. Promise me that you'll tell me if anyone finds out." He says as he looks Sera directly in the eyes.

"I promise, if anyone finds out I'll tell you immediately." She responds looking at John in the eyes. They then enter the dorm building to walk up to her room. Unknown to both of them a figure was listening from around the corner of the dorm building.

Seraphina now a cripple. This is great news.


Holy Shit. 1000 Reads. I don't even know what to say. Thank you all so much for reading this book. I never thought I'd write one let alone have one with 1k views. Thank you and have an abso-fucking-lutely fantastic day/night.


1272 Words Excluding A/N

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