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Sera POV

Sera: Then we tell him.

Isen: Are you sure this is a smart idea?

Sera: We need to find John! If this is the only then way, then we're doing it!

Blyke: We can do that tomorrow morning. It's late right now and we all need to rest.

Elaine: Blyke's right. Plus, Vaughn probably isn't in his office right now.

Sera: Then we rest and hopefully we can find him by tomorrow.

Blyke: You guys can all rest here if you want. It'd probably be easier than getting to your own dorms.

Sera: Thank you, Blyke.

I then start walking towards John's room. I enter and lay down on his bed.

'We need to find him. I need to tell him how I feel. Please be okay, John.'

I then fall asleep while crying quietly.

Blyke POV

Blyke: This fucking sucks.

Elaine: What?

Blyke: John is missing, Isen and Remi were nearly killed, and Remi is still unconscious.

Isen: At least we're alive.

Blyke: And John might be dead. What are we going to do without him? You three combined could barely take on three agents. How are we supposed to do this without him?

Isen: We won't have to worry about that.

Elaine: What do you mean by that?

Isen: I mean John isn't dead.

Blyke: How do you know that?

Isen: Because John's way to fucking stubborn to die.

I start walking to my room to sleep.

'I hope Isen's right.'

John POV

I'm currently inside of some sort of hideout, laying down on a couch, covered in bandages. I still have my most of my costume on. The only thing I'm missing is my shirt. This hideout belongs to another vigilante. He has green eyes, cyan hair in a ponytail and a white mask that only covers the area around his eyes.

John: Who are you?

???: Telling you would defeat the whole purpose of the mask.

John: That's a good point. Why'd you help me?

???: You needed help, plus I know the girl you were working with. The one with the lightning ability.

John: How do you know her?

???: She was my best friend's little sister.

John: X-Static.

???: So you've heard of him.

John: Saw he died on the news. He had a lightning ability, so does Pinky, I connected the dots. She was also gone almost immediately after X-Static died.

???: You seem like a smart kid. Which makes me wonder, why'd you become a vigilante?

John: Two reasons. I believe in the overall goal. I used to be a low tier, basically a cripple. I know what it's like to constantly be picked on for being weak.

???: What's the second?

John: Remi wanted revenge. I knew she would get severely hurt if she went alone. Instead of letting her go alone, I chose to help. Which was fucking pointless because we almost died on our first time out.

???: Well, that's only because you're a special target for Ember.

John: Special target?

???: Your ability is an interesting one to them. The Authorities would love to have more people with aura related abilities.

John: More people?

???: None of the Ember agents actually have fire claws as an ability. The authorities have conversion technology.

John: That's why I couldn't get a read on their abilities.

???: Yeah. If you go out again, which you shouldn't, you're gonna need more help. I don't think a god tier, a high tier and an elite tier can take on three god tiers. Even if you're as strong as you are. You're gonna need more help, or you're gonna need to train your ability like hell.

John: You're trying to get revenge on Ember to aren't you?

???: They killed Rei. I need to get revenge for that.

John: Pinky actually used Rei's name in her vigilante name.

???: What is her vigilante name?

John: X-Rei. She was very adamant on that being her name.

???: What's yours?

John: Joker.

???: Wildcard. Makes sense.

Eventually I remember that Remi and Isen were running back to Wellston. Heavily injured.

John: Did you see if the other two made it back to Wellston?

???: No one else was chasing them, so I assume yes.

John: Good. I need to get there too.

I start trying to stand up. Before he pushes me back onto the couch I'm laying down on.

???: You can head back when you heal up. If you go now, you'll just collapse.

John: I'll be fine.

I stand up and start walking towards what looks like the door. After a few steps I collapse to the floor.

???: Told you.

He helps me up and walks me back to the couch.

John: I'll head there in the morning.

???: If you feel better by then I'll help you get there.

John: So, what's your name?

He takes off his mask and looks at me.



Sorry for this being a short chapter, but I have finals this week and I really need to study. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and have an abso-fucking-lutely fantastic day/night.

756 Words

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