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'Don't worry Sera, we'll find you.'

Sera POV

"Not even a single message from your supposed best friend. Looks like he's left you now that he knows you're a cripple." Illena said as she stands over me. She then smashes my phone.

"Hey! That was expensive." I said trying to get out of my bindings.

"Look at her, still talking like she fight back. Get it into your head. You're a cripple now, the very bottom. We are your superiors now." She says as she gestures to all the people behind her.

"You should know not to speak to your superiors in such a way." Illena says. As I open my mouth to speak, she punches me in the face. I stay quiet looking down at the floor.

"What's wrong? Reality finally setting in? You finally realize how pathetic and useless you really are?" She says as she crouches down to my level.

"Let me go." I say, trying to sound as threatening as possible.

"Or what? Face it. You can't do anything about it. The Royals won't care about you anymore. John won't care about you anymore." Illena says before she kicks my arm, breaking it. At this point I have several bruises, cuts and broken bones throughout my body.

"Illena, maybe we should let her go. We might get in trouble with the headmaster." Wenqi says walking towards Illena.

"No! We owe it her. She deserves this. The headmaster won't care either way. Not for a cripple." Illena responds looking towards everyone else.

"Let's go." She says walking towards the door.

"What do we do with her?" Krolik asks.

"Leave her here. We'll come back tomorrow." Illena responds still walking towards the door. They make sure I'm tied up properly. Giving me no chance to escape, then they all leave me.

'I need to get out of here.'

I try to get out of the rope that's tying me down, eventually I give up and cry myself to sleep.

John, where are you?


I know its a small chapter, but this was meant to be an in between chapter uploaded yesterday, then my laptop broke and I couldn't write the the next chapter. Unfortunately, I won't be able to write chapters for a while. I'll let you all know when I can make another chapter. I hope you enjoyed and have an abso-fucking-lutely fantastic day/night.

319 Words Excluding A/N

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