The Building

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Sera POV

Isen walks back into the room after he interrogated Valerie. I try going into the interrogation room as he enters. Leilah then stops me. "Why the hell can't I go in there?!" I shout at her.

"Because you'll just lose your shit. You'll either reveal something you shouldn't, reveal yourself, or hurt her unnecessari-." I cut her off before she can finish.

"That's what they've been doing to John!"

"And now we can go get him. We have everything we need." She looks at me with soft eyes. "We can go get John now. I'll gather some people and we'll go get him and everyone else in that facility tomorrow night. Okay?"

Instead of replying I simply storm off. I exit the room and slam the door shut. I head to the lobby and just sit down.

Leilah POV

"I can't blame her for feeling like that. I want to go in there too." Remi says as she slowly approaches the door leading to Valerie.

"You know we can't Remi." Blyke says, also getting in her way.

"I'll go talk to Seraphina." Remi says as she walks out of the door Sera slammed.

"I'll go with you." Evie says, following her soon after.

I head over to Arlo, who's just standing in front of the mirror, staring at his aunt. "You holding up okay?" I asked him as he continues to stare.

"I-I didn't think it was true. When Remi and Seraphina first thought of it in the hospital, I just thought that they were making random conclusions... seeing her now... I just don't know what to do. I was always meant to be an agent in the Bureau. Learning just how corrupt the Bureau is makes me feel... empty."

"We'll fix the Bureau, restart the Bureau, get rid of the corruption." I try to assure him. He'll like that for a while, but we'll fix the problems there are soon. First, we need to get John.

I walk over to Isen. "That was the most nerve-wracking thing I've ever done. How the hell do people actually do these?" He says as I approach him.

"You get used to it. Good job though, kept your cool the entire time you were in there, didn't reveal anything and got answers. You should become an actual journalist." I say as I pat him on the back.

"If I can survive what we're doing, that's the plan." He says as he walks over towards Blyke. 'I need to talk to the higher ups. We need more people to be able to get John. That building will be riddled with high tiers.'

The Next Morning

Keon POV

Valerie has been missing for a couple of days now, but John has been completely shifted into the perfect weapon. There are still a few holes in his consciousness where he might go back to normal, but after a few missions he'll probably be unstoppable. 

They've given him a few aura boosting drugs. Permanent ones. They're small boosters, only about a 1/4 boost, but it's enough for him to overpower almost everyone who currently has an ability. 

"Stand." I tell him. He does it immediately. "Perfect. Almost time for your first mission. The leader of the Bureau will be here tomorrow morning to check you. If he states that you're ready, you'll be on your first mission that night."

Nothing will stop you

Sera POV

The group (Sera, Leilah, Doc, Arlo, Remi, Blyke, Isen, Evie and Dylan) is currently in one of Spectre's buildings. Arlo and I need to get our abilities for this mission, and Leilah needs to select the 'assets that we'll use for this mission.

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