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If you haven't read Episode 312 Read it, there are spoilers for that in this. This Chapter also takes place the day after the last chapter.

Kuyo POV

It's been a little over a week since John's kidnapping. Thanks to Doc I no longer have any injuries from that day, but John was still taken. The others tell me it wasn't my fault, but I know it was. If I didn't bring him with me, he would've been fine. If I had just gone on my own John would still be here. I'm the one that led him into the trap, and now he's paying the price for it. Now I'm back where he was taken, where I almost died, where Rei did die.

"Kuyo, you need to take a break. You've been searching nonstop for this whole week." Blyke says as he walks towards me.

"Not until I find him." I tell him in a monotone voice.

"You can't keep doing this. Eventually you'll need to stop." Isen says standing on the other side of me.

"I'll stop when I find him!" I shout at them as I jump down to the street and look for the tire tracks. 

Blyke POV

"He's not okay." Isen tells me as we watch Kuyo look for tire tracks.

"None of us are. John's kidnapping took a toll on all of us." I sit down on the edge of the roof. "Arlo's the only one who's made significant progress."

"Maybe we should've gone with them." Isen says as he sits down next to me. "We might've been able to help."

"If they were able to take on John and Kuyo at the same time, and win, we wouldn't have made a difference." I say as I activate my ability. I try and make lasers on all of my fingers but only succeed on four.

"Doesn't matter now. John's been taken and all we can do is hope Arlo can get that promotion."

Arlo POV

"So this is the place?" Kassandra asks me as we approach a building.

"That's what my source says." I reply.

Leilah has been feeding me information about Spectre that she hasn't released to the public. This building is meant to be where one of the heads is. If we can get him we expose Spectre properly, and I'll get promoted to Anti-Terrorism, along with Kass.

"Let's hope your source is right." Kass says as she walks in.

When we walk in, we see a woman with light orange hair and yellow eyes sitting behind a desk. "Excuse me. This is a private facility, and we're not open to the public."

Kass then walks up to her and speaks. "Oh, I'm sorry. Would you mind if I used your restroom real quick?"

"Down the hall, to your left."

"Thank you." Kass replies as she walks off towards the bathroom.

I just sit down in the lobby as I wait. After a few minutes Kass came back. I then feel the dampener.

"WE HAVE TO GO! NOW!" I shout as I notice metal barriers coming down. I quickly activate my barrier to stop them. I quickly run towards the exit while dragging Kass. She activates her ability to try and break the glass. I then feel my barrier break as we reach the exit. 

Immediately as it breaks, I collapse. Kass tries to help, but I push her outside. Luckily, she gets out. Unfortunately, now, I'm trapped here.


Kass POV

I look around with my vision blurry. I notice I'm outside the building now. 'Arlo. He's still trapped inside. He saved me, but he stayed behind. I need to get backup, now.' 

I start moving away from the building hoping I can get some sort of signal. The moment I do I send an SOS with my location marked. I just hope Arlo can last on his own in there.

Arlo POV

As I'm still on the ground recovering, I see smoke entering the room. Quickly I put up my barrier. It's very weak and basically falling apart, but it should be able to last. Hopefully. 'The moment I breath this stuff in, they'll come in here and take my ability. I hope Kass was able to get help.' After a few minutes I see someone emerging from the smoke. She has silver hair, orange-ish eyes and is wearing a mask. She activates her ability and punches my barrier. My barrier immediately got destroyed again. I start breathing in the smoke as I see her just walking away as everything faded to black.

3rd Person POV

Two people approach an unconscious Arlo, one of them holding a syringe. "Another god tier added to the collection. Would you like to do the honors?" The man holding the syringe asks.

"Happily." The woman says as she grabs the syringe.

Before she can inject him, Arlo gets up and punches her in the face then traps her in his barrier. Unfortunately, the other man comes up to Arlo and punches him in the face. He's again lying on the ground with the man holding him down. "Inject him! Now!" The man shouts as Arlo continues to struggle. Immediately after,

She injects Arlo

812 Words

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