Taken and Searching

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John POV

Keon releases his grip on my head as a I just fall backwards onto the chair. By this point he's shown me the New Boston incident at least fifty times. Each time it seems worse than the last. I've started thinking about it. How much further would it be to kill someone? All it really takes is one more hit. If I just land one more punch I'd do it, so clearly, I can do it.

"Are you ready to start John?" Keon asks. I just look up at him, making no expression. "Looks like you're close. Maybe a few more sessions and you'll be out on your first mission." Keon says as he walks out of the room.

I sit alone in the room. Complete silence is all I hear. Every once in a while, I see something in the corner of my eye. This time it's a bit of magenta hair. I turn to look towards it, but it disappears. I think I've started going insane.

My memories are a bit fuzzy. I can perfectly remember every fight where I've almost killed someone, but memories of people I either know or used to know are almost gone. The only person I can still remember clearly is... wait, what was her name? All I remember was her magenta hair with highlights, blue eyes, and her beautiful face.

Valerie POV

"How close is he?" I ask Keon who has just walked into the room.

"One or two more sessions and he'll be ready. If he isn't we could just do a few more." Keon responds.


"Have you found a cure for the ability disabler?" Keon asks.

"No. We've been trying nonstop. Too many people have had the drug used on them." I respond as I stand up. "Make sure he's ready by the next time I'm here." Keon nods with a frightened look and I walk out of the building. I head outside and am now near where Spectre had their building up. Where Arlo lost his ability.

I walk towards the building, which is still being investigated, and walk inside. I notice people using their abilities to find clues easier. I head upstairs through the elevator, which they got working.

Once I'm at the top I walk into the only room in the hall. It looks like some sort of office. 'Most likely Orrin's.' I walk towards the desk and start look through it. Suddenly I feel something go through me. I try to ignore it and keep looking through the desk, but my hands are shaking, a lot. 'Maybe I should head home.'

I walk out of the building. 'My hand are still shaking.' I ignore it and just head home.




Suddenly a van almost crashes into me. Purely by instinct I activate my barrier and create a wall. The van crashes into it but goes right through. Immediately I collapse, spit out blood and deactivate my ability. The person that's driving runs out of the van and runs towards me. "Holy shit! I am so sorry! My partner lost control of the wheel! Here let me help you get to the hospital!" He then drags me into the back of the van. The moment I step inside I feel something hit me in the back of the fade.

Orrin POV

"So, Agent Wellston, how are targets 93, 94, 100 and 101?" I ask my one of my most valuable assets.

"Target 94 is still missing, Target 93 has starting to return to school, but is still unreachable, target 100 is still in the hospital, and Target 101 has been captured and is currently being driven here."

You can thank Leilah for that.

Leilah POV

I hear my phone ringing and pick it up. "Hello?" I ask into it.

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