Attack Pt. 1

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John POV

10:34 AM

We're walking to Woaba Boba. Sera's still holding onto me with all her strength. Remi sees this and decides to speak up.

Remi: And these two somehow aren't dating yet.

Elaine: I know.


I look down at Sera, who just like me is blushing profusely, and choose to continue walking and ignore Remi and Elaine. I turn around and see Blyke and Isen bursting out laughing, and Elaine and Remi with tired and annoyed expressions.

Elaine: He's never gonna do it.

Finally, we arrive at Woaba Boba. As we're about to go in I see someone's aura, but there's no one there. I suddenly stop walking.


Sera: John? You okay?

John(whisper): Blyke. Activate your ability.

Without questioning he does so. I activate mine and copy his. Before I can get a shot off the person runs towards the alley nearby. I start running after them.

Isen: John! Wait up!

They all start running after me. Eventually I reach the alley, but I've lost the persons aura.

John: Isen, activate your ability.

Isen: Why?

John: There's someone here. They're invisible. I was following their aura, but they left my range. If I use your ability, we'd be able to see where they went.

He nods then activates his ability. I copy it and look around. I see someone who's breathing quickly and has a fast heartrate. I point to them.

John: There.

10:49 AM

We all start walking towards them. Suddenly I feel something. My range is lowered. I look down at my hands and they're shaking. I look at the others.

Isen: Did you guys feel that?

Remi: What was that?

Elaine: The dampener.

John: Isen activate your ability. Make sure no one gets close to us. Everyone get close together.

They all do as I say. Soon we see several people approaching us. They're all wearing bandanas to cover their lower face. Most have knives of sorts and their abilities active.

John: All our abilities are weakened. We won't be able to fight our way out of this.

Elaine: What do we do then?

Blyke: We need to find an opening.

Isen: We need to get the fuck out of here.

John: Who the hell are you people?

10:56 AM

???: Target 93, Seraphina. Target 94, John. Come with us and we'll let your friends go.

John: How do we know you're not lying. 

???: We have no interest in them. They are merely in the way of us getting to you. If you don't come willingly, we'll kill them and bring you by force.

While they're talking I hear the man talk to someone on a radio.

???: This is a short dampener. It'll only last 15 minutes.

After I hear that Elaine speaks up.

Elaine(whisper): What are we going to do?

Blyke(whisper): We need to get out of here.

Isen(whisper): How? We're surrounded.

Sera(whisper): Just look for any opening.

John(whisper): If we don't find one, I'll create a distraction so you guys can escape.

I then turn to Blyke and whisper to him.

John(whisper): If you have to drag Sera out of here.

He simply nods before continuing to look around. Sera turns to me and speaks.

Sera(whisper): John. You can't create a distraction. We can't leave without you. We need you. I need you. I-I lo-.

She's cut off by a new voice.

11:01 AM

????: John Doe.

I immediately recognize the voice as one of the Ember agents. Brims.

John(whisper): Fuck.

I start looking around for an opening before the agents speaks again.

Brims: You have three choices here. One, we take you and your friends live. Two, these other people attempt to take you and everyone here, but you, dies. Three, you attempt to go back to Wellston, and we take you from there and kill all your friends. If I were you, I'd decide quickly.

I continue looking for an opening. I see a part of the alley with less people than everywhere else.

John: There!

We all start running towards it. The moment we do the people attempting to surround us run after us.

The Ember agent jumps in front of us. Before he can do anything, I punch him using the strength from Isen's ability. He gets launched back a bit and we continue running. The first group starts running after us again. Before they reach us, the Ember agent appears again. He starts fighting off the first group. I turn around and see him killing multiple people. I turn back around and see another Ember agent. She's just standing there glaring at us. She has blonde hair and gold eyes. Volcan.

11:03 AM

Volcan: You have three choices now, John. One, you come with us and we let your friends go. Two, you try to fight back and we kill your friends and take you with us. Three, you try to escape and the two other Ember agents waiting kill you and all your friends. What's it gonna be?

11:04 AM

I look around and notice my range increasing.

'The dampener wore off.'

I look at the agent.

'If there's four agents we won't be able to fight them off.'

I look back at the others. Sera looking at me hoping I won't go with them.

'I can't risk them getting killed.'

How about a fourth choice


I know it's a short chapter, but I really wanted to leave it off at a cliffhanger. Shit is about to go down next chaper.

Thank you all so much for 7,000 reads!! Every time that number goes up, I'm shocked this book has gotten that many reads!

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and have an abso-fucking-lutely fantastic day/night.

920 Words Excluding A/N

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