The Escape

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Keon POV




I answer my phone. "Hello?"

"Science and Interrogation building under attack! Everyone needs to be there! Now!"

I hang up and immediately start heading towards the building.

'They can't get to the rooms. If the public finds out, the Bureau is done.'

Leilah POV

Candice and Liam are now inside the building. I look at Remi, Sera, Arlo, Kuyo, Blyke and Isen. "Let's get ready to go in through the roof. The moment we're in we have to assume they know we're here. Don't get caught, don't overestimate yourselves, be very careful. If any of you find John, tell everyone else and head to the alley way right next to the building. Darren, Elaine, Evie and Dylan will be waiting in the van." 'We should've brought a dampener.' Everyone then heads to the roof of the building.

All of a sudden, several cars from the Authorities appear, with each one having several people come out of them. "There's no way we succeed in this! Look at everyone! There're way too many people!" Isen says as he starts panicking.

"We're need to at least try. If any of us get captured, they won't be able to do much either way." 'I hope.' "Let's get to the building." Once each of us is on the building Blyke starts charging a beam.

"You guys ready?" Blyke asks as he gets a beam ready to create a whole large enough for each of us to go through. Everyone nods and he creates the beam.

We're in

3rd Person POV

John is currently sitting in the middle of the room where he's been mentally tortured for the last two weeks by Keon. He can hear the commotion created by people breaking in but can't do anything about it. He's been mentally destroyed. All he can do now is follow orders.




Suddenly a large puddle starts to form from one of the pipes. Liam then reforms himself, walking over to John. "The things they must've done to you. Sorry about this, it's nothing personal, just business." Liam then injects John with the ability disabling drug. John sits there, still with a stoic expression, unmoving. "Just have to wait a few more seconds." After a few seconds the drug knocks John unconscious. "Perfect. Now to get you out of here."

Liam reaches for his miniature microphone. "I found John. He's unconscious. I'm gonna need help getting him out of here."

"Where are you?!" Sera shouts immediately.

"Interrogation rooms. Go to the labs, enter the elevator, bottom floor."

Suddenly Remi speaks up. "Wait, there's other people here."

Blyke then responds. "Yeah, the people everywhere are part of the problem here."

"N-No. I mean they're experimenting on other people here. They're in the lab."

"They're not our priority here." Leilah says as she heads towards the 'interrogation' room. 

Sera then runs through lab. She stops when she sees a man with black hair locked inside a cage. Next to him a white-haired woman. She was connected to lots of machines, most drawing blood or keeping her drugged up.  She turns back to the man. "William?"

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