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Sera POV

Once we walk in I notice there's two people, other than the headmaster. One of them apparently knows John.

"Hey John, long time no see." He says.

I look over at John and he's visibly shaking. 'He looks like he's going to have a panic attack or something.' I think to myself.

I walk over to John and try and get him to sit down in the chair but he won't budge.

"John? Are you okay?" I say trying to move him to the chair. I then see him stand up straight and compose himself. He looked as though nothing had happened.

"Keon." He says with a very cold and menacing tone.

"Watch your tone, boy." Keon says.

"Hey John you should sit down." I say again attempting to drag him to his seat.

"John, Seraphina. These people are here from the authorities to ask questions. This is Miss Nadia, and Keon. They will be asking questions about UnOrdinary." Vaughn says, once John and I are sitting.

"This is an official interrogation. You are expected to answer all questions with honesty. Any false response will result in immediate punishment." Nadia says.

"Alright then, let's begin." Keon says.

I look over at John and while he looks composed his hands are still shaking a lot. I reach over and grab his hand to help. He grabs my hand back and gives me a reassuring squeeze.

'He's probably just nervous about the interrogation.' I think to myself.

"Seraphina, we were informed you had ownership of the book 'Unordinary,' is this true?" Keon asks.

"Yes." I respond.

"Is it still in your possession?" He asks immediately after.

"No, I destroyed it." I respond.

"For how long did you have the book for before you destroyed?" Keon asks.

"About twelve days." I say.

"John, did you have UnOrdinary in your possession before you gave it to Seraphina." Keon asks looking at John, who is still shaking quite a bit. I reach over and grab his hand again, which is now on the table. His shaking becomes less noticable once I'm holding his hand. I also notice he's regained his composure.

"Yes." He finally says.

"How long did you have it for." Keon asks.

"About two years." John says, surprising Keon.

"Before its publication?" Keon asks again.

Yes, my father wrote the book." He says shocking everyone else in the room.

"And he didn't receive any punishment for it?" Keon asks.

"I guess not. I mean he is a cripple so I guess the authorities didn't see him as a threat." John responds.

"Alright, well moving on. Did either of you read it while it was in your possession?" Keon says. After he says it notice Nadia writing something down.

"Yes." I say.

"I read it almost every night that I had it." John says, which causes a very angry reaction from Keon.

"YOU WHAT?!" Keon yells, startling John and myself.

"Keon, you are meant to be a professional, please act as such. I will not tolerate outbursts like that." Vaughn says, calming Keon.

"Sorry, headmaster." Keon responds.

"How often John has read it means nothing, as long as his ideals weren't affected by it." Vaughn says.

"I-I didn't read it because I w-wanted to become a superhero o-or because I wanted to l-like the protagonist. I read it because it gave me assurance. That even if I'm powerful and e-even with everything I've done I can s-still do b-better in the future." John says while slightly stuttering.

'How much of an affect does Keon have on him. He almost never stutters.' I think to myself.

"Alright. Do either of you agree with the books ideals?" Kevin asks.

"No." We both say.

"Alright, well that concludes this interrogation. You're both dismissed." Keon says.

As we step out of the office I notice I'm still holding John's hand, and I then proceed to blush and let go. The moment I do John immediately collapses and falls backwards sliding down the door.

"JOHN!" I shout, while trying to pick him up. I choose to activate my ability then take him to the infirmary.

The moment we arrive Doc has a shocked look on his face.

"What happened to him?" He asks pointing at John.

"I-I don't know we were just asked questions then when he stepped out of the headmasters office he collapsed." I say panicking.

"Alright, put him on one of the cots so I can take a look at him." Doc says.

I lay John down on the cot while I grab a chair to stay next to him.

"He seems fine. I think he just passed out due to shock." Doc says.

"Good." I say glad he's fine.

'I should talk to him about Keon once he wakes up. Until then I should wait here.' I think to myself. Eventually I start feeling tired so I lay down next to John and I fall asleep while laying my head on his chest.

John POV


"Y̴̧̏o̵͖͋ȕ̷̞'̵͇̾r̷̠̀e̶͚͂ ̶̹̀j̷̪̀ǔ̴̢ŝ̷̺t̵̲̽ ̴͔̃a̸̛̰ ̶̼͒l̵̨͌a̶̝̕ṫ̸̝e̸̗̚ ̸͕͛b̵̘͠l̵̖͠o̸̤̎ò̷̦m̴͚̉ẻ̶͓r̵̊͜"


"D̴̜̄͘ę̷̉͠s̸͚͎͊ṭ̵͒į̶͎̚n̶̝̿́ë̵̬͉́̾d̶͎̈́̕ ̷̰̦͊ṭ̴̆͠ō̸̪͑ ̵̭̦̈́̍f̸̦̬̀́a̷̱̓i̶̛̜͌l̴̢̖̚"


I wake up breathing heavily looking around the room I'm in. I'm in the infirmary.

"How did I get here?" I say quietly. Then I remember what happened. The interrogation, Sera holding my hand, and passing out once she let go. I then realize there's something on my chest. I look down and see Sera sleeping on my chest. As my breathing slows down she starts to wake up.

"John! You're awake!" She says as she wraps her arms around me. Once she lets go I realize both of us are blushing profusely.

"So what happened after I passed out?" I ask her.

"I brought you to the infirmary, and Doc said you probably passed out to do shock. After you didn't wake up for a couple of hours I started feeling tired so I made myself comfortable and slept." She says while her face was still incredibly red.

"So, John, how does Keon know you?" She asks, causing me to immediately tense up, which she notices.

"I-I think there's some things I need to tell you." I say nervously.

"About what?" She asks, with a worried expression on her face.

"I-It's about my past, in New Boston."

1057 Words

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