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3rd Person POV

It's now the day after Doc helped John run from the Authorities. Leilah is on her way towards his apartment so they can all talk. Doc and John are currently trying to think of ways to possibly take down the Authorities.

John: We could try and get proof that Ember and the Authorities are connected.

Doc: Doing that might cause an uproar.

John: People would be pissed if they found out that the superhero killing organization is run by the Authorities. We could also try getting some help from superheroes.

Doc: Do you know any?

John: I know one. He might know a few.

Doc: We're also gonna get help from Leilah's group.

Just then Leilah walks in.

John: Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Leilah: Hello, Darren, John.

Doc: Leilah.

John: Hi.

Leilah: You feeling better John? Last time I saw you, you looked like you heavily injured.

John: Yeah, but now the Authorities are chasing me down.

Leilah: What?! Why?!

John: I'm still a priority target. Fuck! I just remembered! They said my mom escaped the facility they were holding her in! My dad! They're gonna... They're gonna get to him! I need to go to New Boston.

Leilah walks up to me as I'm panicking.

Leilah: John. I get that you have people you need to get to, but right now... you have to stay safe. I'll send someone over to New Boston and make sure your dad is safe.

I then quickly wrap her in a hug.

John: T-Thank you, Leilah.

Leilah: It's fine, but I do ask one thing.

John: Anything.

Leilah: Just saying, you never answered my question.

John: What quest- 

I quickly realize what she's talking about and start to blush.

John: No. No. I refuse to answer.

Leilah: I'll take that as a yes.

John: I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations.

Doc then clears his throat.

Doc: Leilah, we need to talk.

John: Well, that's not gonna be a very fun talk.

Doc glares at me. He and Leilah then walk over to the table to talk with more privacy.

Sera POV

Currently Remi, Isen, Blyke, Elaine and I are sitting in an empty classroom, surrounding a large desk.

Remi: Are there any other people who could help us?

Sera: I knew a few low tiers who might be able to help.

Blyke: Low tiers?

Remi: All help is useful help.

Elaine: If that's the case... I think we all know someone who might be able to help.

Remi: Who?

Isen: Would he even be willing to help?

Sera: We all know how obsessed he is with the hierarchy and the Authorities.

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