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John POV

Once I return back to school on Monday I hear everyone whispering about me.

"Did you hear John attacked Arlo at turf wars."

"Yeah, I heard that. I can't believe he would do something like tha-." I heard them say before they saw me and ran off.

'How the hell would they even know about that? Who would've told them?' I think to myself. Later on in class I realize Remi isn't there. Once that class ends I walk over to Blyke.

"Hey, Blyke." I say.

"Oh, hey John." He says nervously.

"Do you know where Remi is? I had to talk to her about something." I say.

"Oh, yeah. She had to go home for a family emergency." He says, still nervous.

"Ah, ok. Thanks, see you later." I say walking away.

Time Skip

Sera POV

After I'm done reading UnOrdinary I choose to go on a walk. Mainly just to think about the book.

'A world full of cripples with one person having all the power. I think it'd be best to talk to John about it.' I thought to myself.

Elaine POV

As I walk into Seraphina's room to put the orange juice there and write I notice a book on her bed. 'UnOrdinary. Huh, hasn't there been news about that book? I should look into it.' As I walk out of the room I decide to do some research on it.

After doing research I realize it's caused many vigilantes to appear. 'What if Seraphina decides to become a vigilante? I should ask Arlo about this.' I think to myself as I call Arlo.

"Yeah." I hear Arlo say.

"Hi, Arlo! I think Seraphina might be in some trouble, I found a book called UnOrdinary in her room. Apparently it's caused a lot of vigilantes and I'm worried about her I have no idea what to d-." I say before I'm cut off by Arlo.

"Report this to the headmaster immediately." Arlo said.

"A-are you sure? What if she gets expelled?" I responded.

"Just do it." Arlo said before he hung up.

Time Skip

Sera POV

While on the roof I hear the door open and see John walking in looking very miserable. As he sits down I hear him sigh.

"What happened to you?" I ask as he sits.

"I just found out report cards are coming in Frida-" He says before he's cut off by an announcement.

"Will Seraphina and John please head to the headmasters office please, will Seraphina and John please head to the headmasters office, thank you." It says.

"I wonder why we're being called to the headmasters office." I hear John say as I stand up.

John POV

Once we arrive at the headmasters office we walk in and are greeted by three people. One is headmaster Vaughn, another is a lady with spring green hair at about shoulder length and yellow-ish eyes. But they weren't the ones I was focusing on. The last man had red-ish hair and pale blue eyes. Keon.

"Hey John, long time no see."


So I chose to release this one early because this seems like a good place to leave it off before the episode that come out on Sunday come out. The next episode will be coming out on Sunday and will be much longer. Don't worry I will have many more cliffhangers later on. Also, Thank You guys so much for 300 reads I'm honestly shocked this fic has so many reads. Thank You so much.


483 Words excluding A/N

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