The Battle

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3rd Person POV

"Orrin?" Leilah asks as she sees Keon and the head of the Authorities approaching. 

"Leilah. I'd say this is a surprise, but this was all part of the plan. 

"Why? What was the point in Spectre if you already lead the Authorities?"

"Simple." Orrin says as he walks over to John. "We needed weapons. Before John here, the strongest person in the world was his mother. She was too powerful to control. So, what do we do to have a powerful person we can easily control? We get someone, a person that's very easily manipulated," He gestures to John. ", and get them under out control."

Sera looks at Orrin, shock and anger in her eyes. "You tortured him just so you could have more power?!"

Orrin nods with a smirk on his face. "That is exactly what we did. I mean kids nowadays are so powerful, why not have the most powerful of them working for us. Even if it is against his will."

Sera freezes time. She then goes to punch Orrin, but before the hit can connect something stops her completely. She looks at who it is, only to spot John's empty eyes staring at her. "J-John?"

Orrin lets out a dry chuckle. "Believe me, there's no way to reach him. He's just a puppet at this point, even without the use of my ability.

John readies his arm to attack Sera. She tries bracing for the impact, but before she can John already threw the punch, sending her flying towards the now destroyed car. Leilah stands there, still in shock.

Unbeknownst to anyone Dylan is starting to wake up from being knocked unconscious. 'What's going on.' He thinks as he looks around. 'John attacked me. Something must've happened to him. We need to stop him before he ends up killing someone.' He starts standing up, wobbling a bit at first. He then looks around, seeing John punch Sera towards their destroyed getaway car. 

"She might become a nuisance later. Kill her." Orrin says as he points at John. John turns to Keon who just nods. He then runs at Sera. As he runs at her, a yellow barrier appears around him.

"This won't hold him! We have to get out of here!" Arlo shouts as he starts getting up. Sera runs towards Orrin and Keon, intending on attacking them. In less than the blink of an eye she's flying towards the other side of the alley, straight into the wall. Arlo in on the ground, shock in his eyes. "He got through it so easily." Arlo then coughs up some blood.

Orrin claps his hands. "Perfect. Now, John, kill them." He says with a smirk on his face.

John stands still, looking at Keon. "Sir, are you sure this is a good idea. They are just children. Is killing them truly the best decision."

"Are you doubting me?" Orrin asks with a threatening tone.

"One of them is Valeries nephew. If he were to be killed, you know who would be angered. I know your leader of the Authorities but if he gets angry, he will retaliate." Keon says with fear in his eyes. "It might not end well for you."

Orrin looks at Keon, his menacing aura apparent. "When I say to attack, I mean it."

Keon POV

Orrin, the leader of the Authorities. Although he was the leader, he also had part in creating Spectre, a terrorist organization bent on taking down the Authorities. He was a traitor to what he stood for. If he was willing to do that, then kill children, what else was he willing to do? Could he be someone we could leave to rule. 

His ability would cause me to do what he wants. Maybe him living isn't the smart choice. He must be stopped. John's the only one capable.  I turn to Orrin. "Y-Yes sir." I then turn to John. "John," John turns to me, "kill... Orrin."

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