Superhero Costumes

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John POV

It's been a week since Sera was kidnapped. Since then I've been helping her by teaching her how to fight. After a while she eventually got better at it. Due to her lack of ability she spends most of her time after school with me. Currently Remi, Isen, Blyke, Sera and I are discussing plans for Remi and I to go out as vigilantes.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Sera asks as we're talking.

"We'll be fine. There're very few people who stand any sort of chance against me. Plus I'll have Pinky with me." I say as I nudge Remi.

"I thought the same, but look at me now." Sera says as her eyes start getting watery.

"The people who did this and Ember are two different groups." I say matter-of-factly as I hug her.

"How can you tell they're different groups?" Remi asks.

"The people that went after Sera tried to kidnap her. Ember kills superheroes. Also Vaughn interrogated the people we captured. He said they work for an organization called Spectre." I respond as I look at her.

"Spectre? Wasn't that a superhero?" Remi asks as she looks at the board on the wall.

"Yeah, but they were killed a while ago. I don't think the superhero and the organization have anything to do with each other." I say looking at the board.

"Well we have no idea how long the organization has been around for." Sera says.

"Must've been around a while if they got their hands on an ability dampener and a disabling drug." I say looking at the board.

"Anyway, back to the original topic." Blyke says, who I forgot was here.

"Right, Superhero names." Remi says as she grabs a piece of paper that says, 'possible superhero names,' on it.

"X-Rei?" I ask looking at the paper.

"That's mine. The X is because of my brothers superhero name, and Rei was his name." Remi says in a sad tone. I quickly pull her into a hug.

"We'll get revenge, don't worry." I say as she hugs back. Once she lets go I look at the paper again.

"'Copycat,' Really?" I say with an eyebrow raised looking at Remi.

"What? I couldn't think of anything for you. That's the best I could come up with." Remi says while pouting.

"How about 'Joker'?" I say looking at everyone in the room.

"Why Joker?" Isen asks.

"In poker the Joker is a wild card. With my ability, I am too." I explain as I activate my ability.

"Alright then. Now, costumes." Isen says as he looks at me and Remi.

"Oh, no." I say quietly.

"DIBS!" Sera shouts, clearly excited about making costumes.

"We're gonna have to go to the mall to get clothes aren't we?" Blyke asks.

"Yup! And we're all going, John." Sera says as she looks at me.

"Oh, I would, but I have something to take care of. Bye!" I say as I try to run out of the room. Unfortunately Sera grabs my arm before I can escape and pulls me towards her.

"You're not getting out of this. You have to come to make sure everything fits." She says as she holds tightly onto my arm.

"I just don't want to stand around in the same store for 5 HOURS!" I shout struggling to get out of her grip.

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