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Sera POV

As I'm crying I suddenly feel someone hug me from behind. Immediately I know who it is.

John: Missed me?

Sera: John.

I turn around and see him open his mouth to say something, but before he does I do something that surprises both of us.

I kiss him.

After a few seconds we both pull away.

Sera: S-Sorry... I-

Before I could say anymore he kissed me again. After what felt like years we both pull away.

John: Didn't think you missed me that much.

Instead of saying anything I bury my head into his chest and cry.

John: Hey, I'm fine. There's no need to worry about me.

Sera(whisper): I should've stopped you. You shouldn't have gone.

John: You wouldn't be able to stop me. Either way, if I didn't go, Remi and Isen would've died.

Knowing he was right, I chose to stay quiet and keep crying into his chest. Eventually I stop crying, but I lose the strength to continue standing. I start to fall, but luckily John catches me.

John: Woah, you okay?

Sera: I- I'm fine. I just...

I trail off before he picks me up and looks at Blyke and Isen.

John: We should go back to the dorm. There's a lot we need to talk about.

Small Time Skip

We're now in mine and Blyke's dorm. The others are either standing or sitting on chairs, while Sera is sitting next to me holding onto me like her life depends on it. I honestly don't blame her. I did kind of just almost die.

John: Alright, I can see you guys might have some questions.

Everyone: YOU THINK?!

John: I'll answer them, just one at a time.

There were a few seconds of silence before Remi chose to speak up.

Remi: What happened after you went to the person that was following us?

John: I went to attack whoever was following us. I almost hit him, he dodged and I passed out. Luckily he was able to carry me to some hideout he has.

Remi: Do you know who it was?

John: He said his name was Kuyo. Apparently he worked with Rei.

I looked over at Remi who just seemed to be in complete shock.

John: Remi? You okay?

Remi: Kuyo worked with Rei?

John: Yeah, he even offered to help us if we go out again.

Sera: No!

John: What?

Sera: You're not going out again!

John: Well talk about this after I answer everyone's questions.

I can feel Sera's glare as I said this. She just nods and I look at Remi.

Remi: I already asked my question, just let the answers sink in for me.

John: Alright.

Isen: Did you figure anything else about Ember?

John: They have five agents, they want me to join, and I'm a priority target.

Blyke: What does that mean?

John: It means they either want me to join them or kill me. That's why there were three Ember agents.

Elaine: Since no one else is asking the important question, I will. What's the relationship between you and Seraphina?

Sera gripped me tighter and hid her face in my chest as we were both blushing profusely.

John: Uh, W-What do you mean?

Elaine: Isen and Blyke saw you kiss and Seraphina has been hanging onto you like her life depends on it since you got here.

I remain silent still thinking about the kiss Sera gave me. It was so sudden, but I enjoyed it. But did she?

John: Next question.

Isen: I don't have any more.

Blyke: Neither do I.

Remi: When are we going out again?

Sera finally removes her face from my chest and lets us see it before she speaks up.

Sera: Never.

Remi: We need to. We need revenge for Rei.

Sera: Remi, all three of you almost died on your first time out!

Remi: We'll have Kuyo to help us this time. He's another high tier ability for John to copy! Blyke can come too!

I turn Sera's head to look at me.

John: Sera, if Blyke and Kuyo both come we'd probably be fine.

Sera: John, I can't lose you. Please don't go out again.

John: You won't lose me. If we have more backup and we're more careful we'll be fine. We got out fine with three of us, if we had five we'd get out no problem.

She starts thinking about it. She realizes I'm making sense.

Sera: I... Fine, but if any of this happens again you're all done. For good.

John: Now that we have that settled, any more questions?

Elaine: Just mine.

John: Which was?

Remi: Are you two dating or not?

Sera, again, hides her face in my chest to hide her blushing.

John: How about we go get some Woaba Boba? That'd probably calm our nerves after such a stressful day.

Elaine and Remi then look at each other.

Remi: They're never gonna answer that question.

Elaine: They're too oblivious to tell that they like each other.

Sera(muffled): We can hear you!

Elaine: That's the point!

Remi: Seriously, one of you just ask the other out.

John: Let's go to Woaba Boba!

After a few minutes of Elaine and Remi urging us on, we head to Woaba Boba.

Time Skip

??? POV

???: Sir, I see priority target 3 exiting the campus. He's not alone.

??(radio): Follow him, take him when he's on his own.

???: If he doesn't go on his own?

??(radio): Incapacitate his company, kill only if left with no other choice. Take him alive,

By all means necessary


I had to write this chapter on my phone, because I don't have my laptop. I might edit some parts when I get my laptop back. That's all. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed, and have an abso-fucking-lutely fantastic day/night

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