The End

352 7 11

3rd Person POV

"We need to take Liam out." Sera says.

Leilah nods her head as she activates her ability, freezing time. She goes straight towards Liam. As she reaches him, her ability seems to glitch out. He notices her and starts to slightly cut into William's neck. 

Sera notices this and activates her ability. Immediately her ability deactivated itself. She started shaking. "What's happening?!" Sera shouts as she tries to activate her ability again. Again, it activates before deactivating on its own. Suddenly before she can see someone attacks her. It's a sudden punch, that quickly disappears. Sera looks over to Leilah who seems to be on the floor, clearly just attacked from this mystery person. Sera activated her ability to see someone with extreme speed running towards her, fist back, ready to attack. She's able to dodge the hit and attack back before her ability glitches and the person is sent flying back towards the Authority building.

John sees what's happening but is also affected. His ability turning on and off at random moments. Even with his control over his aura channels he can't seem to maintain steady control over his ability. By this point Liam had cut into William's neck. Making him slightly bleed onto the ice blade.

John POV

I felt myself slipping into and out of consciousness, constantly. It felt as though I was waking and sleeping every time I blinked. When I was conscious, I noticed my surroundings. Sera and Leilah were standing near Liam, who has his hand in the shape of a blade held up to my dad's neck, crimson red goes down the ice blade. I also had Orrin in a similar position.

"What's happening?!" I hear Sera shout. I try activating my ability, but for some reason my aura channels almost completely close themselves. Just enough to force my ability to deactivate. I notice Liam's ice blade slightly melting every few seconds, his eyes dimmed.

'What's happening to everyone's abilities?'

"Well, this was unexpected." Orrin said as he noticed the problems with everyone's abilities. "I didn't expect it to happen so soon."

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

He moved his head slightly, but before he could move anymore, I pressed my blade closer to his throat, cutting into it, but I noticed Liam doing the same to my dad. "Might want to be careful John. You kill me and Liam kills your dear old dad over there." From a distance I hear very faint sirens. Seemingly headed towards us. "Look at that. Seems police are finally on their way. Things aren't looking too good for you guys. You might not like what happens next!" Orrin says as pushes his neck a bit further into my hand, as he does this, he elbows me in the gut, making me lose my grip on him. He nods to Liam. I then realize what's about to happen. Everything feels like it's in slow motion. I look around quickly to find Sera gone and Leilah on the ground. I do the only thing I can.

I run.

Liam presses against his neck more.

Faster than I thought I could.

More blood came out of my dad neck and onto Liam's bladed hand.

'I'm not fast enough.'

A lot of blood had come out.

'I'm not gonna make it.'

Was it enough to kill him? Had he lost enough blood to die?

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