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Remi POV

"If you're really that sure about going out, then I'm coming with you." John says.

"No. I can't let you do that." I reply knowing the risks of becoming a superhero.

"Alright, how about this, if you, Blyke, and Isen can beat me in a 1v3 then I won't go." He says confidently.

'He knows he can easily beat all three of us. I have to try and get him to not come along somehow.'

"You know what? Fine. I'll accept. We'll have our fight tomorrow during lunch." I say.

"Good luck. You're gonna need it." John says as he walks away.

Once John leaves I message Isen and Blyke to come to the roof. After a few minutes I hear the door open. I look over and see Blyke with Isen right behind him.

"Hey guys." I say as the look over at me.

"Hey Remi. Why did you want us to come here?" Blyke says.

"So, you know how we talked about going out as superheroes? John wants to join us, at least to make sure we don't get too hurt when we go out." I say hoping they won't react terribly towards it.

"That's good, but why didn't you just message us that instead of calling us up here?" Isen asks with a confused look on his face.

"See the problem is I don't want John to come along." I say before Isen speaks again.

"Why not? He's strong enough to make a big difference. He might be able to actually beat Ember." He says looking even more confused. 

"Exactly. There's no reason for him to not join or for you to not want him to help." Blyke says also looking confused.

"What I say now doesn't matter. There's only one way to stop him from coming. We have to beat him in a 1v3." I say hoping they'll agree.

"You're kidding, right? There's no way we could beat John in any sort of match. Arlo, maybe, but John wipes the floor with Arlo. How do we have any chance at winning?" Blyke says looking panicked.

"We just need to come up with a good strate-." I say before Isen cuts me off.

"A good strategy? John is a master tactician. If he used any one of our abilities against us, we'd be destroyed either way." Isen says.

"We have to try. I don't want John risking his life just to make sure we're safe while we do this." I say trying to convince them to help.

"Fine, I'll help." Blyke says.

'Good, now I just need to convince Isen.'

"Come on Isen, we can't do this without you." Blyke says.

"Fine, I'll help, but when John wins just remember I called it." He says finally agreeing.

John POV

'Remi, Blyke and Isen. Shouldn't be too difficult, Blyke and Isen aren't even high tiers and Remi is a relatively weak high tier. This is going to be an interesting match either way. Blyke'll probably be back up from farther away and Isen will aim for him. If I'm not careful Blyke might incapacitate me before I get a chance to attack.'

After thinking about the fight I walk back home choosing to skip the rest of my classes.

"Hey Sera, I'm home." I say looking around wondering where she could be.

'Guess she decided to go for a walk.'

After about 2 hours Sera still hasn't come back and I start getting worried. I start standing up to go look for her. Right as I'm about to leave she comes back, but she's limping, and she has blood coming out of a wound. Right as she enters, she collapses.

"S-Sera, you ok? What happened?" I ask hoping she'd respond but she's unconscious. 

'Think John, think. Elaine!'

I call Elaine and she answers quickly.

"Hey Serap-." She says before I cut her off.


"Ok, I'm on my way." She says before she hangs up.

After I send her the address, I call the rest of the Royals and ask them to come to my place. Surprisingly all the Royals including Arlo show up with Elaine.

"Oh my God. What happened?" Elaine asks as she activates her ability.

"I-I don't know I just skipped after talking to Remi expecting Sera to be here, but once I got here, she wasn't here. I thought nothing of it, after a few hours she shows up like this." I say panicking. Immediately after I'm done talking, I activate my ability and copy Elaines ability. I notice an injection mark on her neck.

"Someone was somehow able to attack Sera and inject with something that knocked her unconscious." I say panicking less.

"We need to find out who did this." Arlo says.

"Yeah, but how? If Seraphina couldn't beat them, how are we supposed to?" Blyke asks.

I then pick Sera up and take her to my room. No one says anything.

"You guys can make yourselves at home. If you want anything to eat you can just look in the fridge. There should be some leftovers." I say from the other room.

Time Skip

After a few hours asleep I get woken up by a loud noise in the living room. 

"Why the hell are you guys so loud?" I say as I walk out of the room.

"John, this is one of the guys that attacked Seraphina." Elaine says as she points to the guy in Arlos's barrier, and she tries to heal herself.

'Why can't I sense their auras.'

"Something's off. There's no way this guy could've beat Seraphina. Wait John go check on Seraphina." Arlo says as he knocks out the guy in his barrier.

Before I can make it to the room, I hear a window break and see a guy carrying Sera's unconscious body.



I'm back sorry I was gone, but now I feel much more motivation for writing and finishing this book. Also holy shit. Thank you all so much for 800 reads. I'm shocked this book has gotten so many reads. Thank you so much for reading. Also if you haven't already, I suggest you check out my other Jera book. Both of these will be updated weekly Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed and have an abso-fucking-lutely fantastic day/night!


938 Words Excluding A/N

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