19 ❀ Can i sell you a dream?

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

SADIE CALLED Y/N LATER ON IN THE NIGHT. The call didn't last long because she kept it short before hanging up, saying she had to call Grace next.

She caught Y/n by surprise when she called; Y/n didn't expect her to mean it when she said they should call go out. Formalities were out of the way; how does she speak to them now that they've met after all these years?

Y/n doesn't like to be away from Abigail for too long when it isn't for work; she feels like she is betraying her motherhood.

Claudia didn't watch Abigail, even though she offered. Y/n said that Abigail was going on a play date with a new friend she met at the wedding.

When Claudia tried to bribe Abigail to convince Y/n that she wanted to go with Claudia and not her new friends, she refused to.

And now she is being babysat by Alice at Finn and Sadie's house.

Sadie waited patiently for the waitress to come and ask for the table's order. She was the only one getting impatient while the other three were chatting.

"So, Y/n. How's life been treating you since high school?" Sadie patted the table softly.

Y/n shifted in her seat. "It's been good. I've been raising Abigail by myself and focusing on my career."

"Oh really? What is that you do?" Sadie asked.

Um... "I work from home; I do data entry for a company in Toronto." Y/n lied, but it came out clean like butter because this was a lie she'd told everyone.

"But, the company has a designated building on the outskirts where we can go. So that's where I go since it's hard to focus with Abigail around." She held her head guiltily. Did she sound like a bad mom?

"Everyone needs a break from their children once in a while." Grace nodded.

Sadie narrowed her eyes at Y/n while everyone turned their attention to Millie. She grew a bit suspicious; there was something Y/n was hiding. But what was it?

"What is taking this waitress so long?" Sadie questioned; this made Y/n stop herself mid-sentence to look over.

"It's pretty busy here; she will get around to us." Y/n shrugged.

Millie agreed, "When I was a waitress, It was pretty hard because you had four tables to serve at once." She explained.

Grace crossed her arms, "Didn't you only have that job for two weeks?" Millie's face dropped, turning back to her.

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