41 ❀ If this isn't worth falling for, what is?

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February 2

**✿❀ ❀✿**

FINN DIDN'T CARE IF HIS ARMS WERE aching from holding Abigail for an extended period; he didn't lay her down. And Abigail wasn't complaining; she preferred being born while she slept. Making them the perfect pair.

"Is this how it feels to be a dad?" Finn whispered to Jaeden, who was scrolling on his phone. He's gotten many messages since he woke up, wondering why he didn't change his number. A message from Sophia piqued his interest.

"How would I know? I'm not a dad." Jaeden threw his phone aside before writing down on the half-written paper in his journal. "What are you doing?" Finn was curious whenever he first pulled it out, but now he was trying to get little peeks.

"My doctor said I should write things I see and ensure my brain is always working correctly. If I forget anything after my coma, to call my father and return to Toronto." Finn sat on the couch on the left of Jaeden, who was leaning over at the coffee table.

He leaned back so Abigail could lay comfortably on him. "Wait, Why?"

Jaeden took a deep breath, placing his pen on the paper. "When people get into accidents, sometimes when they wake up in a coma, they lose their memories."

"Could be people, things, places. My dad wants to be safe; I don't need to do this anymore since it's been a year since I woke up. But I kind of like doing it." Jaeden saw the worried look on Finn's face; softening his own, he reassured him that he wouldn't forget anyone.

"I won't forget you or Y/n," Jaeden promised " it only happens when you get up from your coma or slowly start to lose memories or have a hard time remembering around the first few months."

Finn felt Abigail start to wake up, pushing her upper body up. Her tired eyes looked around while she tried to find her mom. The sweat of her not moving from the crook of Finn's next made Abigail's dark curls stick to the side of her face.

Rubbing her eyes with the back of her palm, she aggressively dropped back directly into the small hole between the couch and Finn's shoulder. "Shortcake, Wanna go for a ride?" He lightly rubbed her tiny back.

"Yes!" Abigail used her strength to push herself off Finn, "Where are we going?" Jaeden closed the journal.

"To see my mom." Finn got up to look for Abigail's backpack, but Jaeden beat him. Holding it back, Jaeden denied him, "Y/n said not to take Abigail to your parents."

Finn advanced to get it from Jaeden, but he moved it away again, "Why would she say something like that? That's her grandma."

Jaeden hid it behind his back, walking until it was stuck between him and the counter. "Don't take Abigail unless you never want to see Abigail again. You know Y/n will be furious if you went behind her back."

𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now