15 ❀ Your name is forbidden in my mouth

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**✿❀ ❀✿**

FINN SCANNED THE ROOM. He was growing worried while he kept a close eye on Abigail. She was playing with his two nieces; He didn't know why but Finn had the overwhelming urge to ensure she was in his sight.

But her mother was nowhere to be found.

Teagan popped back in after leaving momentarily, "Did you see a woman in a pink gown when you were gone?" He leaned towards her.

"Oh yeah, Y/n. The girl who entered at the worst time during the ceremony?" Teagan smiled sarcastically. "Did she leave?"

"Why should it matter if she did?" She challenged.

Finn pressed his lips in frustration before moving in his chair. "Because her kid is still here; I just wanted to ensure she didn't forget her."

Teagan shrugged. "She didn't leave; she was on the phone when I went to talk to her."

A wave of darkness flickered in his eyes, but before Teagan could notice, Finn looked away. "What did you tell her, Teagan?"

"Nothing much, just a little pep talk, if you will." Teagan cheekily smiled when Finn stared at her with a stern look. "Can you stop being such an instigator?"

The crowd of dancing guests wasn't too congested for Y/n to sneak out of Finn's eyesight.

He watched closely as Sadie came from beside her, "That must be so weird to see your ex and your wife catching up." Teagan watched along.

"Y/n! Finally, I can speak to you." Sadie engulfed Y/n in a hug. She stepped back gently to catch herself from the sudden action.

"Congrats, Sadie." Y/n softly smiled when she pulled away.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to greet you; Finn has been stuck to me like glue." Sadie apologized, glancing at Millie and Grace.

"Finn has always been a little buzzkill." Millie rolled her eyes. "Well, I'm happy to see my best friends after so many years.

Grace raised her eyebrows. Best friends? Since when? Millie wondered the same thing; the two looked at each other. Confused, Millie turned back to Sadie. "Right."

"We should catch up! I heard there's a good seafood place that just opened." Sadie's voice grew heavy. "Finn and I had a bar installed in our house; we can have some drinks there."

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